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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG1312-0001-ApplicationCity of Parkland Building Permit Application Contact Person: Margaret LaCalle Phone #: (954) 905-1350 E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name Toll Bros Inc. Master Permit Number 13~13 t --:2--'DOO 1 Business Address 951 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite #180 Date City State Zip Phone# Construction Value Boca Raton FL 33487 {561) 999-1877 Engineer's Name Toll Architecture Property Owner's Name Toll FL V LLC, A Florida Limited Liability Company Engineer's License # 72328 Owner's Street Address 250 Gibraltar Road Phone# {561) 752-5440 City State Zip Phone# Architect's Name Toll Architecture Horsham PA 190555 {215) 938-8000 Architect's License# AR 94562 Job Site Address 1 0415 Cameilla St Lot 77 Block D Phone# {407) 248-5800 Work Description: New Construction -Single Family Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTIERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATIORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: Donald Robert Barnes License number: Personally known to me Cl Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Q Produced identification Cl Oath not taken .•. •"<"~"··· SAIRA KHAJA t:'f&J""·· ~~ MY COMMISSION #FF 024224 ~\ .'Jj EXPIRES: June 5. 2017. "'1.'i·"~'.···· Bonded ihru Nota<y ?ubiiC Undeowrters ,,,Yfuti" Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: William Schmidt Owner's Address: 250 Gibraltar Road, Horsham, PA 19055 On this , 20_3 __ , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared Q Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEA OF OFFICE: Q Produced identification Q Oath not taken ..J#·ff\ SAIRA KHA.lA . /A·~.~< MY COMMISSION # FF 024224 ~--~k} EXPiRES: June 5, 2017 '••{W,,~~,;~• Dcndoo ThrtJ Notary Public Underwrters Application Approved By: ______________________ _ Date: ___________ _ Permit Officer Electrical Contractor: ------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: ------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: ------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Toll Landscape & Irrigation Business Address: / }y-'7 Print Name: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath License#: CGC)'52UJ'J(7 <-...., .,..--Estimated Construction Value: ~ Qualifier Signati.Jr;el:'('( / J The foregoing instruM~owledged before me thus 7_ ~ day of Phone#: <..._ f /l ./'\ Notification E-mail: Print Name: August ,20 I "'? ,by the above named person 0 Is- 1 ~~d::;fi<Otioo w~:i a:,., o.~ who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Publicfr!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~tf Commission Expires: d"i~.} MYC~~~F024224 ;j~~j EXPIRES: June 5, 2017 OtherCont~~"~~·~··-.~~~~~~~~~------------------------------~c~------------~ Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Ridgeway Plumbing Business Address: 640 E. Industrial Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 License#: CFC019077 Estimated Construction Value: \.._\I ,1-t )() Phone#: 561-732-3176 ; Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: / Print Name: Gary Kozan The foregoing instrument wa:%1edged before me thus 30 day of May ,20 13 ,by the above named person who is personally known tom who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public~~ My Commission Expires: _.... .... -.... -• .... ~~~;~::~~,,, KATHLEEN M. HALL Mechanical Contractor: = .f:· ..6,\J·~~ ~ rwrary 1-'uOitc -State of Florida =·t. ' . : ~.,~, (', "'· . Business Address: ~\/\~~:"": ' .. ,~,. 1(',.' · ·~· , 'u I 'I Commission# DD QR17?<~ License#: Estimated Const1 u-ti,;~·w~l. JP~ Bonded Through National Notary Assn. -Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ~~~ctricid<;(ontractor: · TRAYLOR --· ELECTRIC co. INC. Business Address: 4240 w. HILLSBORO BLVD. COCONUT CREEK, FL. 33073 ... License#: F.r. 0001 1 ~15 Estimated Construction Value: C..P ~Z) Phone#: 9S4-4?1-ii00 V-/l Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: A ~A--~ Print Name: --GARY R EVANS The foregoing instrument'Was ackno-lle~ged before me thus day of ~ ..... -~~-·. ;2&-i-3-~--~ .narn-' rson who is .Qg_~Q.llill!l:..!SP.i>~.D.!2.!D£2L who produced ... ~K-~r~b .--·· · 'ntifi · n . 8fd 1d t take a oath i ·(-~\ ~ <rf5/~ry u Rrc • tate of Florida Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ~ ~·I. t4', • ~ t,iy Cor"~"• Exp~res Jun 23, 2016 L~LA-,/_ DLLII ~~;..: ·"; 0:$/ Commrssrr;,; # EE 196789 • ~ '11 UF f\. ,,' '"""''' Bonded T.h:cu.J~ ·;Jtron:rl Nol2ry Assn. Plum)Jing(:()n~r<:~!Mr:·. Business Address: License#:, . Estimated ConstructioA Value: . Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus · d'ay of ,20 ,by the qbove named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: . My Commission Expires: Mechani<;al Contractor. Business Address: License#; Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: l:<~.i:Jdsc~ping••contra~o~! Business.Address: license#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Othe~ .contrcictqr:" · Business Address: license#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person wnO IS personally known .to 11 1e 01 who produced as idenE:fita · 1,-l(, . '+ ,.n.n:ot-h Notary Public: My Commission Expires: I .. ··~---·----... ······-····----·· -········-------·-··-···-··-·-·· . ·······-. ~LI:QT.,I~~~~~ ---------------------------- License#:-------------Phone#:------------Estimated Value: __________ _ Applicant Signature: ----------------Print or Type Name: __________________ _ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus. _________ day of ______ , 20 __ , by the above named person. who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath, Notary Public: ----------------------My commission Expires:-------------- License#:-------------Phone#:------------Estimated Value: __________ _ Applicant Signature: ----------------Print or Type Name: _________________ _ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus. _________ day of ______ , 20 __ . by the above named person, who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath. Notary Public: ----------------------My commission Expires: _____________ _ Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical License #: CAC032382 _5_6_1-_6_8_9_-1_0_9_3 _____ Estimated Value:_~___,Y-\ -~"'--'---. _;\)_\ __ _ or Type Name: John L. Childers License#: _____________ Phone#:-----------~ Estimated Value: _____ ~----- Applicant Signature: ________________ Print or Type Name: __________________ _ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus _________ day of ______ , 20 __ , by the above named person. who is personally known to me or who produced. ____________________ as identification who did/did not take an oath. Notary Public: -----------------------My commission Expires:-----------,------- < 0~--------------------------------------------------------- License#: ______________ Phone#: __________ _ Estimated Value: _______ _ Applicant Signature: _________________ Print or Type Name: __________________ _ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ______ , 20 __ , by the above named person, who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oat11. Notary Public: -----------------------My commission Expires:-------------- " '. •' S.e Q. \ s~~("\~ \ l~~ \ CClb\ Electrical Contractor: \-\W Au -h1N""\CL-T\ on Business Address: 2L--\\ 5 -:=;k\y-\." V'\.n. ~d. ~-\'c.~ \='-\-. La.VO~Ctk =FL. ~~3\ ~ license#: fiF 'L.Do 00 LJ 6"/ v Estimated Construction Value: <"'"'\ ~. rJ '1111- Phone#: qsLf· 3~~ot r\ l o Notification E-mail: Ana-e.\ 0. @ -\-\W ~ (0 f"'\o.:"T-1 on .('ff{J Qualifier Signa~ \ ~ ~ PMtName: uav·l r\ tsnt k ne c h +- The foregoinll instn'"'Lnt was acknowledged before me thus{).lo day off\L~\.0 \ ,20 \~ ,by the above named person who~er~ally known to me o ho produced as identification who did/did not take an oath No(l=c~ My Commission Expires: ~~\\\~~ ANG8.A ~RY f::~.% MY C<l.IMISSION f FF 006&50 ~-\[)-\l ~·. ·~J EXPIRES: August 10,2017 ···~R'i,i'\i •••• Bonded Tlllu Nota.y Publi; Undotwriers Plumbing C.,.~t'~or: Business Address: license#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: license#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: license#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: . Other Contractor: Business Address: license#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: City of Parkland Building Permit Application Contact Person: Margaret LaCalle Phone#: (954) 905-1350 E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name Toll Bros Inc. Master Permit Number 1312-0001 Business Address 951 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite #180 Date City State Zip Phone# Construction Value Boca Raton FL 33487 (561) 999-1877 Engineer's Name Toll Architecture Property Owner's Name Toll FL V LLC, A Florida Limited Liability Company Engineer's License# 72328 Owner's Street Address 250 Gibraltar Road Phone# (561) 752-5440 City State Zip Phone# Architect's Name Toll Architecture Horsham PA 19044 (215) 938-8000 Architect's License # AR 94562 Job Site Address 10415 Cameilla Street Lot 77 Block D Phone# (407) 248-5800 Work Description: COP -Electric I Low Voltage as Built Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: Donald Rober Saira Khaja PRINTED NIIME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ~ Personally known to me CJ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: 0 Produced identification 0 Oath not taken Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: Margaret LaCalle Owner's Address: ..::....::.:..:..=.. __ ., 20_4_, before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Flor"1da, personally appeared Margaret La Calle and whose name is subscribed to and within the ins rument nd he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. Saira Khaja PRINTED NAME OF NOTIIRY PUBLIC lli1 Personally known to me 0 Oath taken 0 Produced identification 0 Oath not taken _,n..;::n.viJ!ers Date: __ Q~~+7,.z;~~~---;;, Ele.ctrical Contract01;;;i TRAYLOR ELECTRIC CO INC Business Address: 4240 w. HILLSBORO BLVD. COCONUT CREEK, FL. 33073 License#: EC 0001185 Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Q"i4-4?1-·:nlo /'> Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: /ItA;'\ /L-~ Print Name: GARY R EVANS The foregoing instrument was a<Jnowledged before me thus day of " ~ ~0~ ..... ,2Y the ab~e _!a~d person who is personally known to me or who produced ~ ,---~~d.~.!ification wlm:iCli!i~l!l.iJ:tr;lOt take -n oath Notary PublicJ . • _ --.,.;:;; \) . . My Commission Expires: ,o·--..;~~-~ Notary Public. State o1 c;, ,.;, -• .--'· .j. = : · • ~ •I': My Comm. Expires Jur; ~ ' ·.· '· · -~0'--. \. ~ ~: • •;.;J. • v~ . --, t ··.;•.·,-·o""',-'' Commission # EE 1 q, :~ r' i ,,, '-'F ,-~ \, .. '''""''' Bonded Through National N· ·' Pl'-'_mbiflg,Contra.ttPr:.~ --··~-t.,-· - Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: M~~ll~'rii~t'cOntraitQi~~ Business Address: License#: . Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ~tid~~PJ!lgcQntractQr~ Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Q(h~t~Co~tr.a(;tor~ ;,;J~ Business Address: License#: . Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Electrical Contractor: HW Automation Inc. Business Address: 2415 Stirling Rd, Ste B. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 License #: EF20000457 Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: (954) 322-0136 Nntifir=>tion E-mail: Qualifier Signat~ ' c _) ~ Print Name: David Botknecht The foregoing instrum}nt was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ... . . : .. ' . '~-~ Cny of Parkland, Rorida BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION tO ContactPerson: ~ as~ Phone#: ~l.!lt,:l.3S?Y9 E-maB: _____ _ ALL Of THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPUCANT, ACCORDING TO FS 713.135: · AppUcatlon ts h&reby made to obtz:ln a permit to de the work &'ld tr.r~at!cn ;s fndlcatsd. l certlfv that oo work or !.'ll!!!!!atfcn to.u cc.~ prior to tile issuance of permit and that all work ·wiu be performed to meat the standlllds of aB laws ragulating construction fn the City of Parkland; Rorlda. I unclersland that a separate permit must be secured for B.ECTRICAL WORK. PWMBING, SIGNS, WELLS. POOLS, B0LERS. lANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROORNG, SHU11'ERS. ETC. OWNER;s AffioAvTI': i certify that ail1he foregoing information is BCC'J.'":ta and that iiG wDik wiii be dane in compliance with all laws regulating construclion and zoning. ~~-~-· _ ... --:::~-~:~~'=--""' ~ •• On '""'-----------day-_______ 20__. bafareme, theundellignldNayl'lll!k_altlaaSialeatf1all*, ........ ~ ------------------~~~~~---is lllbscdled 10 andwiiHnlbalnslnmlllt.llld ..,...IGicnaMeclgsllllliWiba-.tac~ lt. ~my hand PRINTED NANE OF NOI"ARV PUBliC a Peraandy lalawn Ill me, ar a PnxfuGIId ldlnlillc1llian and oftlclaJ ..... NarARV PUBLIC SI5AL OF OFFICE: RE\L C11/t11 City of Parkland Building Permit Application Contact Person: CHARLES DIFALCO wv .. Phone#: (954) 776-0590 E-mail: charlie@actionroofingservices,com All OF THE FOllOWING MUST BE FillED IN BY APPliCANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Nattfe ACTION ROOFING SERVICES INC. Master Permit Number ' ' t t3J2-0ool 1910 NW 18TH ST. BAY 1 City State Zip , Ph,pne# POMPANO BEACH FL 33069 (954) 776-0590 Phone# 7 D Wo{kDesc~iptloii:' .··.·.NEW TILE ROOF ·' ' > V•' ~- Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Notification Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: CHARLES E. DIFALCO License number: CCC 054757 Signature of Qualifier: e name is subscribed to and within nowledges that he/she executed it. ------~ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC 13: Personally known to me 0 Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: 0 Produced identification 0 Oath not taken ANDRES SANCHEZ t.W CCJM~l!SSION # DD 978347 EY!-'!RES: Apri! 4. 2C14 .~,"'1-?d i'-·. ":;w:~·~' r'>; ::-· S2-·; ·>: Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: argaret La Owne~~dr&\ bvf4 \--h-V' Signature of Property Owner: On this (Vfotary ~uqlic oftre State of Flori a, personally appeared '"""" (4 ( and whose name is subscribed to and within the he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC )a'Personally known to me 0 Produced identification 0 Oath taken 0 Oath not taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: SAJRAKHAJA MY COMMISSION # FF 024224 EXPIRES: June 5, 2017 Bonde<! Thru Notary Public Underwr~ers Application Approved By: ________________________ _ Date: ___________ _ Permit Officer THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED IN FRONT AT ALL TIMES City of Parkland PERMIT NUMBER: BLDG1312-0001 PERMIT TYPE: SFR SITE ADDRESS: 10415 CAMEILLA ST TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT: NONE Applicant Information DESCRIPTION: 77/D PG&CC 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 {954) 753-5447 BUILDING\ENGINEERING PERMIT Contractor Information TOLL BROS INC 951 BROKEN SOUND PARKWAY SUITE 180 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 {954) 905-1350 ISSUED DATE: 1/16/2014 FOLIO NO: 474133051360 CODE YEAR: Owner Information TOLL FL V LLC 250 GIBRALTAR RD HORSHAM, PA 19044-2323 WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAVING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. (F.S. 713.135). Notice: In addtion to the requirements of this permit there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in Public Records of the County, and there may be additiona permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies or federal agencies. SEQ ID 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 1') PERMIT EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM EITHER THE ISSUE DATE OR 90 DAYS FROM THE LAST APPROVED INSPECTION For Inspections please call (954) 753-5447. Inspections are scheduled for same-day inspections up until6:00 AM. Building Official or Authorized Signature Date INSPECTIONS ELECTRICAL PLUMBING INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE SEQ INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE ID 30 DAY FOR TESTING 12 IRRIGATION FINAL TEMP ON HOUSE 12 IRRIGATION ROUGH SERVICE GROUND 12 PLUMBING FINAL SLAB ELECTRIC STRUCTURAL ALARM ROUGH SEQ INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE ELECTRIC ROUGH ID SPEAKER ROUGH 1 NOC TELEPHONE ROUGH 2 SOIL BEARING CERT TV ROUGH 2 TRUSS PLANS ON FILE ALARM FINAL 3 SLAB ELECTRIC FINAL 4 PRODUCT APPROVALS SPEAKER FINAL 4 SOIL TERMITE TREAT TI=II=PI-I()NI= I=IN.O.I 4 SPOT SURVEY I 12 SEQ ID 12 SEQ ID 6 12 SEQ ID 12 SEQ ID 6 12 SEQ ID 12 14 SEQ ID 2 2 6 6 12 THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED IN FRONT AT ALL TIMES City of Parkland lTV FINAL I ENGINEERING INSPECTION TYPE DW SUBGRADE DENSITY NPDES INITIAL SIDEWALK FORMS SIDEWALK SUB DENSITY ENG DRAINAGE FIRE INSPECTION TYPE GAS LINE RGH IN-FIRE FINAL GAS-FIRE LANDSCAPING INSPECTION TYPE LANDSCAPING MECHANICAL INSPECTION TYPE CONDENSATE LINE ROUGH DUCT MECHANICAL FINAL 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 (954) 753-5447 BUILDING\ENGINEERING PERMIT I I 5 TIE BEAM/BOND 6 ROOF SHEATHING INSPECTOR DATE 6 TRUSS 6 UNIT MASONRY CERT 6 WALL SHEATHING 6 WIND/DOOR BUCK 7 TIN CAP 8 HOT MOP IN PROGRESS 9 FRAMING 9 WIND/DOOR ATIACHMENT INSPECTOR DATE 9 WIRE LATH 10 INSULATION 11 DRYWALL SCREW 11 ROOF TILE UPLIFT TST 11 TILE IN PROGRESS INSPECTOR DATE 12 DRIVEWY STEEL/PAVERS 12 FINAL SURVEY 12 PATIO SLAB/PAVERS 12 ROOF FINAL INSPECTOR DATE 12 SHUTIERS 12 SIDEWALK 13 ADMIN POOL COMPLETE 15 ADMIN CHECKLIST** No Inspection Group INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE ZONING INSPECTION FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE SEWER CONNECTION GROUND ROUGH WATER SERVICE GAS LINE RGH IN-PL TOP OUT FINAL GAS-PLUMBING P.ermitTRAK Site ~ PtrmiU BLD9131 Z-0001 No Parent Activities ~-No Permits ;;;, No Cases !\No Issues Q ~ Lt;;~ ll.oJfdt.Y? h~ ~ ,OWtvtO 0) rt.o..o ~ vp L-1 ,e.--/...- II) ~I ;.;fj G (, t'V7 ft '* 4 A-vtvt t3 @ £14vJ...l-~ ~ aDrA ,·,.) (?.{}(} L- ~ Print Attachments / Internet Links '~ Imaging J Plan Location i _, View Notes D<:·5CdfAion 7710 PG&CC Sir!fti~ ISSUED Type SFR SubTypt, NONE Detail'\. 0 Add Notes 474133051360 A~'r:·!i~d 12102/2013 AD13 Ar,r,mve,1 01/1412014 AD13 i&H;e<J 01/1612014 E..:~ired cffi1112014 1<013 co Addre~•> 10415 CAMEILLA ST C!ty PARKLAND ~utxl1v1~H}il PARKLAND GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB St.Jlo:: FL Typ~ PARCEL lip 33076 Blvd<· 0 Contact:> (10) (}t.'flt:r· TOll t-L v U_( !r··-·· .. il v:.: !,-· -···· ! i-t;./">! v> ! c~~-·--~···· 1(/ > 30 DAY FOR TESTIN ... CON DEN SATE LINE R~;~W! (no 1-eS1Jft! Pa,d· $8,91/' 57 Set Sequence in!>p.;,r.t,··r Steve Mitchell R~Jrnar!<:s rno rcmari<sj !nspt:ctvr Rowdy Gifford R.HYYdrks (no 1e,'lJ<Jrk.s) OW SUBGRADE DENSI... lnspccto' Perry Tebom Re~uit too resuill P.ernati<S {rJ(, f!..,mmk~J NPDES INITIAL ;q;pcctor Pony Tebom R~nlt {ri<J resultJ Romarl(..'l. {nv tf';m8rl-\"J SEWER CONNECTION insr,•ctn< Rowdy Gifford R~su!t (.r'Jt) r--J~u!t) R~nmrio.<.. (nO rt•mdrks) SIDEWALK FORMS RE)SU!t (llfJI"JJ.'!>Uit) int>Pf:tCtar Perry T•bom Remarh; (no romutk3j SIDEWALK SUB DENS... •ns;><'<-to; Pony Tebom TEMP ON HOUSE NOC Re<;.11!t tnore-suifi GROUND ROUGH RH~;uit {no resulti SERVICE GROUND R~u:t (r;r;!f) SLAB ELECTRIC SOIL BEARING CERT TRUSS PLANS ON Fl... Re<>u!t (ItO r~sult) WATER SERVICE Pesu!t (no re3ul!j SLAB Resuif {no r~sul/) inspector Steve Mitchell Rernarkt> {t!O remarks} ! M•rilyn Ba.ncett Remarks (m~ rt-merl·.sJ i rq.>Odor Rowdy Gifford Remarks 1n.-; r.:;mmk!:J insr.ntctor Steve MitcheU R~marks (nc remark::;; :nsp+:·,,t,:,r Steve Mitchell Rl'clmr.rh (nc roma,*-s) Michael Guen~sio R._;marj(s tno HH1J<::rk.,j !nspt:ctvr M•rilyn Ba.ncett Rermuks (on remarks) :nspc:.:tor Rowdy Gifford RemariG (no mmarhs) in~pector Mich•el Guerasio Remario:.s. 1n•1 MmfJrkS/ .~· ------------ PRODUCT APPROVALS ;nsr,ectoc MieheoiGuon~sio R.~uit (r;r) ~~u/f) Remark<:: (no remark::;) IL, ... ~< .... ~ ... J > SOIL TERMITE TREA... '""P"'-'''' MiehetiGuon~sio Due· $0.00 St'?l(:·J cmmkl&yyj {llti.mmJ C•,rnpi !mmkldly'y) (flh.mmJ SrJwd (mmlddlyYj ~nn.mmJ c~!mpl (mm/dr}lj'tj lhh:mmJ Sched (mmldd/yyi (hh mm} Cornp! ('nmlddl'yyi {hhmm; Sched (mmldd/yyJ (hlnnm) Ccmpl (mmlddlyyJ (lllur.mj ~kf1~ tmm/ddiyyJ tfltnnmj ComrA (mmlcfd!yyJ (llh mrn} Sc1!~J(I lf!lmlcld!yyj !htumn} Compl !nlfnl(](llyyj (IJhrnm) Sr-lwd {mmhdlyfj (hfl·mm) c(~rnpl {mmklcVyyj {hl1 mmJ St,hed (mllift:k:i/yyj (nfl:mm) Cornp! (mm/dtVyy) (>-0 {mmldd!yy/ (hfnmnj Ccrnpl (mmlddlyy) {hh:mmj Sc-hed (mmldd/yyj ff;h mm) Compl (mmlddlyy; (I )h mm j Sci"1.:;d rnnnk.!dlyy; tlih rnmj Con1rA (nunk.'dlyy) (fitnnmj Scrwd (mmkl&yyj (hh mmJ cr~rnpl (fl)rn/(](J/'f':f) ! Sr,twd (mm/•.kllyyj {nfmllrJ1 Cornp! !mmA:kl/yyj {htmmn Sr.hed (mm.!dl.l/yyj (hh.rrtfl!) Cornp! (mmA:k.llyyj (hh.r.,m) Scht~d (mm!ddlyyJ (hh:mm) Cornpl (mmlddt'fy) (hh:m.rnj Sc!·,ed (rmnlddtytj (h"l mmj Cornpi {mm.ld&tyJ (!Jh·mmj ~,~r,.-,d tnunk.k"J/yyJ (IJh·m.mj Cnnlf~l rmrn!ddlyy} (IJh·rmr>J Page 1 of3 "¥ POOL1311·0064 http://parkvcapp/trakit9/permitTRAK.aspx?cmd=PERMITNO&permit_ no= BLDG 1312-00... 1/16/2014 PermitTRAK ~ ) i~-~l i r~·-----------, '' o/ ~ i~-___: f 6 ' I 1 t/ , ; i \-··-··············J i,lm~~·~·-' i 9 10 I ~-··«~~-,~-~ 11 v ) 11 v ~ 11 12 12 12 SPOT SURVEY TIE BEAM/BOND ALARM ROUGH ELECTRIC ROUGH GAS LINE RGH IN-F •.• GAS LINE RGH IN-P ••. ROOF SHEATHING Re<,utt triO re·sull) ROUGH DUCT Re'du~t {r;rJ result} SPEAKER ROUGH TELEPHONE ROUGH TOP OUT TRUSS TV ROUGH UNIT MASONRY CERT Ret;u!t {r.o rli!SUJf) WALL SHEA THING Result {no fJ-n.u!t) WIND/DOOR BUCK !:;spe(...1a: Michael Guerasio Rern<J!kS (f/6 rt:·mt-Jrh,\ / !n~racto~ Michael Guerasio ?crr.arie.s (n:~ 'nsrectnr Stave Mitchell Renwrio;s. (no rernmka; !nswJctor Steve Mitchell R.ernr.rk<.. (no remarks) !nspt><:.t~r Bruce BoWIMf'l R<:ornaril"s (no remaJ1c.$) inspector Rowdy Gifford Remar!cs (no rt#'Harksj lnsptH.:tvr Michael Guerasio RemarKs (riO r~_-marl-.!:.j ! n~pector Scott Wiesel Rernari<.:>. (nr, r<;;rnark!:J insrJ,ctor Steve Mitchell RAmarks (no rem¥k$J im>p•::•~t<:•r Steve Mitchell Rl'.lnmrh (no remarks) ; nSPtC.t'J!" Rowdy Gifford Rt!mar!cs (no ir.spcctor Mich .. t Guerasio Rema1!<s (no renillrksj lnwc~-tor Steve Mitchell Rermm:.s. (noremaf...s:/ in~pector Mich .. l Guerasio Rernark:s !!¥; r-7markcJ <!~S~J:::.t~.r Michul Guer~~sio Remarh (no remark:;; inspv:t···r Michael Guer~~slo RHn;;!rk~ (110 remarks) n N CAP ; t!Sp(:Cfvr MichHI Guerasio Re:\!;!1 (no rewft) Remari<"s (110 remt:rk.s) HOT MOP IN PROGRE... inspector Michael Gueruio Re<;.utt (r;o f(•cult} RernafkS (no renmrk.~j FRAMING ir.s.!)Ct-1or Mich .. l Guerasio Rtffiu!t (r.o ms(llf) RemarkS (no rem a~<;) WIND/DOOR A TTACHM... !n'f"""o' Michael Guerasio Result {ntJ result) Remari:.s. {w; '""marl<cJ WIRE LATH !rn>Pf'Jctor Mich .. l Guer~~sio RI'.I'.JUit {no NJ'!.ult; R~n~.rk<.. (no rernat1<.3J INSULATION R•:·su!t (1)0 m'iultJ DRYWALL SCREW Re:-.o!t (no result) ROOF TILE UPLIFT •.. Re<,uit triO r~suff) TILE IN PROGRESS PU"'\,;Il~ {rUJ f.:JSU/f) ALARM FINAL RftUUit (nrJff.J,<,U/1) DRIVEWY STEEUPAV ..• ELECTRIC FINAL inspo:,,:{(•r Mich .. l Guer~~sio R~rm1ri<$ fno re:nar1<.sj inspector Michael Guerasio Rt-rnarks tno rern.-~rks} !nspectu~ Michael Guerasio RernaO<s (fl(J lt:marl-.~i ino;.pcl."f:or Michael Gueraslo Pemari:.S {n(Jremar' .. ~J !rwvtctor Steve Mitchell Remark<> (no rem<lt"k:.;J 1ns~mcb1 (no lriSJ.:'~'!cfur) R/~mf,rh (no rema11<s) tns~:r.t0r Steve Mitchell f-<·~rn~lrk$ tno remm1<.sj Cvrnpl (mmkJd/yyj !nlrmmi S<..hed (mmldd/'fy/ (hit mm; Ccrnpl (rr<m/ddlyyl {f'llnnm) Schad (mmtckilyyl (hlrmmj Comp! (mm/ddlyy} (hinnmj ~(':!"1~ :mmkJd!yy) (llh mm) Con1r)l tmmlddlyyj (hh rnmj s.~t~·~d {fllfnk'CJ/yy; (lit! mm} Compl tmrnk.Jd/yyj {l!t1 rnml Sr.t1t>d {mmA1t1-'YI) !hh mm) c{.rnp! cmm!adlyyj (hh mml Sdwd (rnmlddtyyj (hfu11n1j Ccrnp! (mndddlyyj (hfl.mmJ 5<..he-d (mmlddlyyi [hfl·mfll) Ccrnp! (mmlddlyy} {hhmm) Sc!-u~d (mmiddlyy} (l:h·mm) Ccmr>i (mmlddlyyJ (l;h mm} ~.-t;~.>d rmmk!d!yyi (fi.Snnm) C0mr~1 rnunkkftyy) (IJ.~ mtnj Sctl~·-! {mmklcilyyj (} Cornpl tmmldd/yyj tflt1 mm} ~mmk.kllYI) {} c~lmpl {mm/dcllyyj (hh:mm} Sr.nt>d (mnt!ddlyy) {nh.ntm) CtHnp! (!Y>nt/ddlyyj {hhmmj Sch~d {mmlddlyy} (hll:mmJ Cornp! (mmldd/yy) (hlnnmj Sc-h.,.d (mm!dd/'fYJ (I~>~ mm} Comr)l (mm/dd/'fyl {i:h mm} Sct1.;,d tmmkld!yy; {fl!'lmm) ComrA rmmkkVyy! ttm mrn) Sc~lt:d (mmklfllf'i) (hh mmJ C• .• rool :mmldt.l/yy) (/!tr.mmJ Sr:.nt!d {rnmldr.l!Yf) {hh mmJ c~~mpl {mmkkllyy) (hh mmJ S<.hM (rnmlddlyyJ {hlnr;m) Ccrnpl (mmlddtyy; {hl1 n;m) Sched (mmlddlyy; (hlnwn) Compl (mm.tdd/yy) (hhmm) Sc-!··ed (mm/dd/'ftJ {h'l mm} Comp! (mmlddlyy.J (t:h·mm) Sctl~;d tmmkJd/yy) (IJ!t mm) CfJntp! tmmkJdlyy; (fl!1 mm) S01(;rl tmmkJdlyy) ( Cr..rnpl {mmkJUIYY) f/ltl.mmJ>d (rnmA:k:V'j"yj (hhmm) Cvmpl (mmkJtj,}ryj !hh mmJ Sthed {mm!r:kilyyi {hhmmj Curnp! (mmld<i/yyJ {hh:mrnj :.;cht~d (mmlddlyy) (hlnnmj Compl (mm.tdc.Vyyi (hhmm) ~(·t1<:=d 1mm/ddtyy) (!Jh mm) C()mrA tnunk!dlyy; (lih mm} Sctl'Jd tmmk!cVyy) !fltl mm) Cnmpl <mrnkld/YY) {l!!unrn)<i (mm/<kJ/yyJ !nh.mmJ Cr.,mpl tmmlrJdlyyj (; Page 2 of3 http://parkvcapp/trakit9/permitTRAK.aspx?cmd=PERMITNO&permit_no=BLDG1312-00 ... 1/16/2014 PermitTRAK ) ! ' ~, !I v >! : r v > !t .. "') :r--: t -t,/,. ! Vl> i r--------: ! '····$-/) . ,, '1. :r···--···· ; ' -4/) i Bon:is {OJ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 ENG DRAINAGE R~u!t (!l:J ,...J~ultj FINAL GAS-FIRE Re:~uit (tw msu/t) FINAL GAS-PLUM BIN ... FINAL SURVEY ~esu!t (riOtf'suft) IRRIGATION FINAL IRRIGATION ROUGH Reauit (no resu//j LANDSCAPING R~ull (n:) T~-Jsultj MECHANICAL FINAL R:l!:l:~uit (tw re.c,uit; PATIO SLAB/PAVERS Re:;.u!t (no tN.:ultj PLUMBING FINAL ROOF FINAL SHUTTERS Ret;u\t {no n-;suitJ SIDEWALK Result (n:; r<!suitj SPEAKER FINAL TELEPHONE FINAL TV FINAL Resu!t rnorNtJlt) ZONING INSPECTION ADMIN POOL COMPLE ... Resu!t (no result; FINAL R(~t>Uit (!W f'JJWit) ADMIN CHECKLIST** R.,sui! (tlo rc<>ultj :r-:sr)ec:tor Perry Taborn RemarK'-(no rem..:uk:n :nosp<1!~b! Bruce Bowers Rerm~rh (no re:nar1<sj !nS~(.to; Rowdy Gifford Rt:roor!<"s (no remarl<sj :nsr~ctor Marilyn Blancett Remarks (no renmrl<sj Inspector Rowdy Gifford Rernafi<s (nv rt-marh$} fn~r..ectnr Rowdy Gifford Remarks !M r€'marks) lnS[JP-Ctot William Mohler R~rnarks {no remark::) !nsp<:,·~t·:>r Scott Wiesel Rt~m~;rk<.:; (no romad<sj>f Michael Guen~slo RHIY·<H/(S {no re:r;arl<.'>j ! ,,spector Rowdy Gifford Rernmks (no renu~rks) in~pec""tor Michael Gue111sio RemarG {rlr~ rerrwrl-.<i:J inspecfof Michael Guen~sio Rernar!r;.:; (n•; ro;;markz/ ! nsw~~·.tDr Michael Guen~slo R~mrtrl(<; (no rell'ld'*~J !nsp.;,,~t~·r Steve Mitchell R.HMr!<s rr:o remarks] 'nsp~(,t(Jr Steve Mitchell R~rm~ri<"s (no rnnu~rksj inspe<..ior Steve Mitchell Rernarks (no remsrk\j ir!S.!>Cctor Taman~ Frost Rernar!r;.s. (n(j f!;' in"' • .r,•ector Marilyn Blancett Ren~&r!r;.:; (WJ r-7mark~J ;nspw·t!>r Mlc:hael Guen~sio RernHrk'io (nc remad<sj ! nsw~·~tr)r Marilyn Blancett R.;.rrutrh (110 remarks) 3Cfi":d (mmk1d.Jyy! (llh mm} ComrA trnmlcfdiyyJ (lzh m•r>) s-::~~~; tmm/d(Vyyj rllfl rnm) C(mlpl tr,unkki/yyj (lltl.f/l!n) Sr,ned (mmA.kJ/yy) (htmlm) c ... mp! {mmlr.hJ/yyj (} St_!Wd (mmlddlyy) !hh:n,m; Cornpl {rnmA:k:Vyy) (hll:TIHUJ 5ched (mm!dd/yy.l (hh:mrnj Ccrnp! (mmlddlyyJ (hh mrn; Sched (mm!dd!yyJ (h'1 mmj Ccmr,t (mmkkVyyJ (IJhmmj :kh<td (mm/(Jd/yyJ (llh mmj CnmrJI (mml(kl/yy! tflh·mmj Scrwd :mmlddlyyj (hh mnn C(mlp! tmmklcJ!yyj s(".hed {mmldf.llyf) ! Cvrnpl !mmA.kk'yl} !hh mm; Sdh~d (mml<kVyy} (hh mm) Ccmpl (mmldt:Vyy} ( f.>ched (mm!dd.tyyJ (/;/nnm} Ccmpl (mm!ddl'yy/ fllh-mmj Srhed (mmidd/yyl {I"JhTTJmj Comr>l (mm!dd/yyJ (/!h·mmj Srt1~~d tmmfadlyy/ (fltunm) Comr.>l :mmlf"Jd/yy; {Jih·mm) Sc11u! tmmkkllyyj (!/ C• . .-rnpl (mmkklltyj (hh mmJ Sr,ned trnm/dc.VY't') 1nh·mm1 C•;rnp! tmmkkVyyj (hh:mmJ S<..hed (tr>rri/ddlyy} [hlnmn; Ccrnpl (mmlddlyy) {hhmmj Sd~ed (mmAi<.1/yyJ (Jih·mm) Compl (mm/(X1/yyJ { Sched (mmlddlyyJ (l!h·mmj ComrA fmm.k!&tyJ O!h mmj Sc1!f:::d tmmkkilyy) (flfunm) Cnmpl tmmkkllyy) (f!!unm) Sctwd tmm/ddlyyj (! Ct .• rnpl rmmlc.kllyyj (hh mtn/ Page 3 of3 http://parkvcapp/trakit9/permitTRAK.aspx?cmd=PERMITNO&permit_no=BLDG1312-00... 1/16/2014 SUB-PERMIT SUB-PERMIT SUB-PERMIT SFR 77/D PG&CC TB-l-L .,.., , D 12/02/2013 $282.50 $9,200.07 $8,917.57 01/16/2014 ISSUED Orintarl· \1\/orfnacrl~\' '11 Ptll:n1 ")n1 A 1 nf 1 SUB-PERMIT SUB-PERMIT SUB-PERMIT SFR PG&CC APPROVED 12/02/2013 $550.00 $8,367.57 DrintoN· T11ocrl~u 111 ->n111 1 nf 1 - B~:O:W.' '-~RD Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department c 0 u NTY PLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIVISION FLORIDA 1 North University Drive, Building A, Suite 102 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-357-6666 FAX 954-357-6521 Broward County Transportation Concurrency Satisfaction Certificate * Please note that this aooroval does not constitute Environmental Review Aooroval. You will still need the Environmental Approval Certificate to submit to the Building Department. Issue Date: 11/26/2013 Application Number: 000376173 Title of Drawings: Parkland Golf & Country Club 2 AC 770 Plan Last Revision Date: November 25, 2013 Legal Description: Plat Name: Prklnd Golf & entry Club Replat #2 Plat Number: 069-MP-03 Book: 174 Page: 137 Address: 10415 Cameilla Street, Parkland, Fl. 33076 Construction Type: New Construction DR Review#: 0025633 Project#: 10.10.0 Bldg Dept Jurisdiction: Parkland Lot: 77 Block: D This approval is issued in accordance with Sec. 27.66 ofthe Broward County Natural Resource Protection Code. This approval is specific for the plans and description described on this approval. Any changes in footprint, Lot#, or bedrooms or use will require a new approval. Development Review g' BUILDING OFFICIAL: Broward County Planning & Environmental Regulation Division impact and/or transportation concurrency fees have been satisfied/paid for The construction of a 4 BR Single Family Detached Home Lot 770 Receipt# 0025633 g' TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY SATISFACTION: Certificate is hereby issued *Any revision to these plans requires a new development review by the division. If a building permit is not applied for within 30 days of the Environmental Review Approval, plans must be re-submitted to the Planning and Environmental Regulation Division for re-evaluation. Development Reviewer Name: Peggy Knight ·> ' B~~ARD Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department PLANNING AND REDEVElOPMENT DIVISION COUNTY FLORIDA 1 North University Drive, Building A, Suite 102 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-357-6666 FAX 954-357-6521 Broward County Environmental Review Approval Certificate Issue Date: 11/26/2013 Title of Drawings: Parkland Golf & Country Club 2 AC 77D Plan Last Revision Date: November 25, 2013 Legal Description: Plat Name: Prklnd Golf & entry Club Replat #2 Address: 10415 Cameilla Street, Parkland, Fl. 33076 Construction Type: New Construction ER Review#: 000376173 Project#: 10.10.0 Bldg Dept Jurisdiction: Parkland Lot: 77 Block: D This approval is issued in accordance with Sec. 27.66 of the Broward County Natural Resource Protection Code. This approval is specific for the plans and description described on this approval, any changes in footprint, lot#, or bedrooms or use will require a new approval. APPROVED G(' WARNING NOTIFICATION TO THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION DIVISION IS REQUIRED WITHIN TEN (10) WORKING DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OF A BUilDING PERMIT, A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, CERTIFICATE OF COMPlETION, FINAl INSPECTION OR ANY OTHER ACTION THAT AllOWS OCCUPANCY OF THE BUILDING OR FACILITY. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED TO ELECTRONICALLY UPDATE BUILDING PERMIT AND CO DATA ONLINE AT HTIPS:/ /DMDWEB.BROWARD.ORG/DMDWEB/LOGIN.ASPX fit COMMENTS SFR, LOT 77 BLCK D If a building permit is not applied for within 30 days of the Environmental Review Approval, plans must be re-submitted to the Planning and Environmental Regulation Division for re-evaluation. Environmental Reviewer Name: Rich Mathieu Permit# Folio# __________ _ NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that Improvement will be made to certain real property and In accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following Information Is provided In this Notice of Commencement : INSTR # 11177 4527 OR BK 50128 Pages 312-312 RECORDED 08/30/13 09:39:17 AM BROWARD COUNTY COMMISSION DEPUTY CLERK 4010 #2, 1 Pages 1. Legal Description of Property: Lot 77 Block D Unit# __ Bldg #__ 0 Lengthy legal attached Subdivision 1 Condominium: Parkland Golf & Country Club Street Address If available: 10415 Cameilla Street Plat Book 174, pg 137-161, Replat #2 2. General description of Improvement : New Construction -Single Family Home 3. a. Owner name and address: b. Interest In property: c. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (If other than Owner): 4. a. Contractor name and address: b. Contractor's phone number: 5. a. Surety name and address: b. Surety's phone number: c. Amount of bond: 6. a. Lender name and address: b. Lender's phone number: Toll FL V Limited Partnership 9425 Old Club Road Parkland, FL 33076 Fee Simple Toll Orlando Limited Partnership 951 Broken Sound Pkwy #180 Boca Raton, FL 33487 561-999-1877 NA $ ------------------------------------------------- 1 . a. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1 )(a)7., Florida Statutes: Name: William Schmidt, Toll FL V Limited Partnership Address: 9425 Old Club Road Parkland, FL 33076 b. Phone number: 954-905-1350 8. a. In addition to himself or herself, the Owner designates Donald Barnes 3..::9.:..70=--.::W~In..:.:d:..:ia=n:..::t:.=o:..:.w:..::n.:_:..::Ro=a::.:d=-<,...::J.:=u.o::_pi=-=te=r'-'-,-'-F-=-L-=3-=-34-'-7:...:8=-----to receive a copy of Lienor's Notice per Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida b. Phone number of person or entity designated by owner 561-741-5710 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement : (the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART I, SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Permit # : E L . - ~ G 1 3 1 2 - - o o o 1 Contra c t o r : T & L U ~ ~ - · Submit t a l D a t e : ~ ~ ~ ~ · ~ Lot:..,, B l o c k : b S u b d i v i s i o n : P G . . - c c . Proiect I M o d e l T v c e : ~ I ' S a o v , · ( U ' C tt --z... Zoning \ J\((p I Fire Product Approvals E n g i o e e r i T r u s s P l a n s Z o n i n g \ ( _ / ~ ) M e c h a n i c a F i r e P r o d u c t A p p r o v a l s l l r f E l e c t r i c a l T r u s s P l a n s . ·: • t: ' . ' ' 1. to ' , 'I ' .. . . _ . ' . :· II . . . . ~ "" ~ · I"' I 1 l · ~ .· o ;· o o . o o ., . o >- .. . · 11 1 . . . . . . . •... t r I· · .' r ' - 'I a r I f r . ·: rr ~ , l1 r· ~'~., .. lt · r I t r -a : r f. I t r I t r · P'J ti~ 1 '1 r r 1· • ~~ ·- t ir j, , it lr . f . r f. ' ~~~~ fi ?~II!~:~ - - ~ - ' l ... ... ... ' f: . r . r r r . r · r . r . ~ · 1 .i . r I• ~ · . . . ;:. . I r. ~ C ) CITY OF PARKLAND Planning and Zoning Department 6600 University Drive, Parkland, FL 33067 (954) 753-5040 Fax (954) 341-5161 ANTI-MONOTONY APPLICATION 1. Please complete all information on the application and provide attachments. 2. Please provide a location map showing subject property. adjacent lots and surrounding lots. The location map must show at least two (2) lots on either side of subject property and five (5) lots directly across from subject property. 3. Please provide a list of ALL adjacent properties and surrounding properties building elevation, body paint color, trim paint color, roof color, and roof style. Map required must show listed information. (Photographs of surrounding homes accompanied by home aesthetics may be substituted for required list). Identify vacant lots, if applicable. I. APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant (if other than owner): -t-o L..{, ~~$ • ~ rJ C.. • Address: <14 z,-7 O(,V C.vufO fU1 City: PAtz.\". l;AtJ; ST: Ji. Zip: "?;>"?o10 Phone: '56\ .... q t\~ ..-l <61) E-Mail Address: M t.A:vAU...~Q=[ofllbW111e;tcsirJc II. PROPERTY LOCATION & INFORMATION A. Folio Number: [ J[ ] - [ J [ ] --[ J[ ] - [ J[ ] - [ ][ ] - [ J[ ][ ] - [ ][ ][ J[ ] s. community: _ ___._e-=-~-'-'--\.;._t.._V._P._rJ_o __ t1~o~v__,Lf_c;;.-+'., -=-&o__:_v____::_r--l---:11-=e~i--=u_\..._u___:_:\? __ _ c. Subdivision: _---L.A--=-=-M----=-~-=:-:A=--"'5..:::....:::?:_;A.--=-:D:::....-=0-'(2.....~_Coc0=-:~~~~C..::_-r...!__l.\~o:..!.K...L_ ___ _ D.Pro~~A~re~: __ \~o~4~~~~-C~A?~-c~~-'~'~L·~~---'~'---------­ E.Pro~rty~OOioct:~~-~~~-l_·~l~/_-_0_~------------~ ·Cof{ F. Model/Elevation: SA\) ~~(L.J Ve~'"'s-~, ~ \-e 5 G. House Color/Trim: coc.\-\ e.t'\ e... ~ r 4 H. Roof Color/Style: DeJ c.r-e-s--r =c~ fiJI(.;./ it-t.'l \-e A./'--~ ! 02/05/2009 Page 1 of 1 Sa v i e r o - V e r s a i l l e s Se r i n o - P r o v Sa v i e r o - V e r s a i l l e s Tu s c a n o - P r o v i n c i a l Wi s t e r i a - V e r s a i l l e s Sa v i e r o - M e d Wi s t e r i a - M i s s i o n Co l o r Pk g #1 ; Co l o r Pk g #1 0 Wisteria-Med El Paso-Provincial Color Pkg #15 Pk #1 Saviero-Med ' · / Color 9 Color Pkg #18 / / Stonehiii-Med W1 s t e r i a - T u s c a n ) ) Lo t : ? / I t ? Ad d r e s s : ( 0 4- J 5' L ,4 .t 1 ; ( (; I I I A s- r r z - r r T r 1 , \ '1 - ) 1 / 'l 1\ [ ) .! : \ . " .! ' \ . . ,/ . : • I I i ! \ ( ; ·, , i I by 7o l l "B r o t h e r s An t i - M o n o t o n y Pl a n : Pa r k l a n d Am b a s s a d o r Co l l e c t i o n Po d 17 PER SECTION 22-215(K) OF THE CITY'S CODE, A PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT(PRD)SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN OPEN SPACE AT LEAST EQUAL TO THIRTY -FIVE (35) PERCENT OF THE GROSS AREA OF THE PLANNED ~l=~lni=NTIAI ni=VI=I nPMI=NT ~ .. · Sc::cv \Q"CC) \ \) \0'-CSC~ ,\\<:zS Loti~ IJ . .-or,----------------~~-------- Body Color Gorge Water/CLWI031W Roof Color Delcrest Tan/White Antique if·· Dele rest Tan • -l toW&e \llutc Aalique Color Packatze 14 Parkland Golf & Country Club Toll Brothers, Inc. Paver Color Heritage --;... ' .... -, s Trim Color Hurricane/CL3274M ,.. Stone (as applicable) Riviera/Old Country Field Stone Riviera Old Cournry fieldstone (CSV-368117) Garage Doors Worn Wood/CL2587N