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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG1310-0080-Soil Bearing Reportstierra SOUTH FLORIDA GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING MATERIAL TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES April 1, 2013 Toll Brothers, Inc. 3970 W. Indiantown Road Jupiter, Florida 33478 Attention: Mr. Stuart Gordon, P.E. Subject: Letter of Lot -Certification Proposed Residence -Pod 17 -Lot 59, Block D Parkland Golf and Country Club 10175 Cameilla Street Parkland, Florida 33076 TSF No. 7111-11-170 Dear Stuart: Page 1 of 2 As requested, TIERRA SOUTH FLORIDA (TSF), Inc. has performed an SPT boring on the said lot in accordance with Section 1818 of the Florida Building Code. Based on the results of our soil test boring, it is our opinion that the foundation soils, plus a minimum margin of five (5) feet, are suitable to support the planned structure on shallow foundations proportioned for a net contact pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). Footings should bottom at least 8 inches below final grade. Once footing excavation is complete, densities should be performing at the bottom of excavation to determine the minimum density requirement (98% of ASTM D 1557). We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with our geotechnical services. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Res ectftilly-submitted, 'O1J111.FLORIDA, INC. 4\1 . - F cais Thomas, P.E. Pcipal Engineer rida Reg. No. 56381 Attachment — Soil Boring Log 2765 VISTA PARKWAY. SUITE 10 • WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33411 (561) 687-8539 • FAX (561) 687-8570 State of Florida Professional Engineers License #28073 TEST BORING LOG Project: 7111 -11 -170 -Pod 17 Client: Toll Brothers, Inc. Boring Location Lot -Center Boring No. B -59D Boring Depth: 10 feet Water Level: 7.0 feet Date Drilled: April 1, 2013 DEPTH SAMPLE N FT No. VALUE 0-2 S-1 28 Page 2 of 2 1 Asphalt 1 Basecourse MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS Gray Sand with Limestone Fragments 2-4 S-2 28 Gray Sand with Limestone Fragments 4-6 S-3 30 Gray Sand with Limestone Fragments 6-8 8-10 S-4 21 S-5 22 Gray to Brown Sand with Limestone Fragments Gray to Brown Sand with Limestone Fragments R,6e.7 I/ 3 / 0 00 sa *ADVAKTAGE Pest Related Services Pre -Construction Termite Treatment 1-800-698-7998 License #4439 Property Information Treatment Date 124 13 Time: 0 6041..0'1 Lot -.� ( Block d Faili/e2) (4-01-1\ LzJrfr izb Subdivision Name 1.0 16" CdineNeis`-�reF Street Address (if known) faX1412,7ei ity State Zip Owner Name (if known) Builder / Contractor Information c(( Bor -tr,f Name of Builder Shell Contractor Construction Type Monolithic Floating / Stemwall Patin Entry Driveway Product / Treatment Information Treatment Type (Must check one): Initial Under -Slab ./.--'-'Supplemental Wood Treatment Product applied: Concentration: Square feet treated: Bifenthrin _ Bora-Care Other Mixed Product Applied: -C41 Gallons Linear feet treated: Final ❑ If box is checked, then either a final perimeter liquid treatment has been completed or a wood treatment is completed and the following statement is applicable: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. (Y1�� Applicator's Name (Please Print) 1 6 2013 Advantage is a Full Service pest control company offering inside pest control, termite control, and lawn & ornamental insect protection and fertilization programs. We offer discounts to our Termite renewal customers! Call 1-800-698-7998 for more information. 2800 NW 22nd Terrace, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 (954) 968-7717 fax(954) 968-2922 *ADVANTAGE Pest Related Services � T . 7Q460 Pre -Construction Termite Treatment Contract and Final Treatment Certification dvantage is a full service company offering pest control, lawn & ornamental spraying and fertilization, and ter - Amite control. For more information, please call (800)698-7998. Specific terms & conditions regarding this contract appear on the back of this page, Should holder have any questions with reference to this contract, please contact our office at the number or address noted below. This contract is transferable and is for the primary structure noted below. In the case of a multi -unit structure all unit holder must renew warranty in order for structure to main- tain termite warranty protection. It does not include, unless specified in writing, fences, detached structures, decks and additional construction provided after the date contract is issued. Reference to termites applies to subterranean termites. This contract does not provide for protection of any other wood destroying organism, insect or pest, and excludes formosan termites, This contract and work it represents is specifically and solely for topical soil preperation, (top inch) of soil and application of termiticide. Advantage is not a licensed building contractor/engineering firm and implies no knowledge or expertise in either subject. Advantage does not provide any service other than those outlined herein. Repair and Retreatment Warranty Company agrees to warranty the structure for an initial period of twelve (12) months from the date of the initial treatment. If termite infestation occurs at any time during this period the company will inspect property and provide remedial treatment(s), spot or full, with a liquid termiticide as required to eliminate or control termites. Should structural termite damage be noted through inspection, company or a subcontractor(s) chosen or approved by company, will repair damage caused by termites at no cost to property owner. For annual fee specified below, owner(s) may extend this warranty/contract for a maximum period of four (4) additional years, as specified in paragraph two (2) of terms and conditions noted on the back of this page. Residential Treatment Information The treatment provided are for preventive purposes and were requested by the contractor or builder noted below. Pre - construction termite treatments are applied as defined by EPA approved pesticide labels. Supplemental treatment(s) (patio, entryway, abutting foundation, etc.) were provided subsequent to the initial treatment date, as notified of readiness by builder. The cost of this treatment has been billed to the builder or sub -contractor of the builder. Final Treatment: 6/5/2014 Initial Treatment: 12/16/2013 Property Address: 10175 Cameilla Street Parkland, FL. Treatment Cost: Billed to Contractor Treatment Area: 2500 s/f Product(s): Bifenthryn .06% Builder : Toll Brothers Subdivsion : Parkland Golf Lot/Block: 59 D This contract not vali The Building has re terranean Termites. lished by the Flori These treatments ane appl ;d tion requirements. WL ivei.:: c reat ent a del in Authorized Agent (4o s3 ELATE. y seal and certi ZrAftria tru gric$lgg 2nd C code sti of bui din 41 011101" 1'\ issuance date. vention of sub nd laws estab mer Services. ancial institu- 4439 License No. LAWN & PEST CONTROL SERVICES RECEIVE DISCOUNTED PRICING ON LAWN, ORNAMENTAL, AND PEST CONTROL SERVICES. CALL (800) 698-7998 FOR MORE INFORMATION. Advantage Pest Related Services. Inc. • 2800 N.W. 22nd Terrace • Pompano Beach. FL 33069 1-800-698-7998 Contract Terms and Conditions 1. PERFORMING WORK Company agrees to perform in a workman -like manner. Company will exercise reasonable care while performing any work hereunder to try to avoid damaging any part of the structure, plants or animals. Company will be responsible for the patching of holes which occur as a result of drilling to provide treatment. Company cannot be liable for matching texture or color of surface or surrounding surface which is patched or filled. Company will use due care but will not be responsible for tile, flooring, wallpaper, paint, or any other floor or wall covering damaged as a result of treatment. 2. RENEWAL FEE & INSPECTION This contract may be renewed on an annual basis for up to four (4) additional consecutive years. Non payment of renewal fee within thirty (30) days after renewal due date will be construed as non desire to renew and result in cancellation of contract. This contract may be reissued after the complete five (5) year term at an agreed upon fee payable to com- pany by contract holder. Fee will include any required re -treatments which are necessary to continue protection. Company reserves the right to perform a visual inspection of structure annually at time of renewal. The inspection will be of readily accessible areas only for renewal purposes and cannot be used for the purpose of real estate transactions. In the case of a multi unit structure, all unit hold- ers must renew warranty in order for structure to maintain termite warranty protection. 3. CONDITIONS CONDUCIVE TO INFESTATION Customer agrees to provide full cooperation to company during the term of this contact. Customer agrees to maintain the property in a general non -conducive manner, meaning free from plumbing leaks, win- dow leaks, or direct wood to soil contact. Company reserves the right to terminate this contract if it is discovered that customer fails to correct and allowed or allows any of the above conditions to persist thereby contributing to the potential of or actual infestation of termites. Construction defects not known to company at time of original treatment which may violate building codes such as, but not limited to, direct wood to soil contact or concrete formboards left in place, may render treatment ineffective and thereby void war- ranty. 4. ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS Customer agrees to notify company in writing prior to any structural modifications, additions or alterations or if soil is added or removed from around the base of structure. Company may require additional treatment is specific areas as a result of any of the the above. The cost of these treatments will be payable by customer and may require an adjustment in the annual renewal fee at the option of the company. In the event that customer fails to notify company of any modification or addi- tion including those noted above company reserves the right to terminate this contract. 5. DAMAGE Company will not be responsible for any damage caused by or as a result of or related to any of the conditions described in paragraph three (3) noted above. Company agrees to repair any termite damage where live termites are found upon inspection by a company representative. Company's repair and retreatment obligation is limited to $1,000,000.00 for the term of this contract. Company's obligation to perform under this paragraph shall arise only if all of the conditions herein are met. The compa- ny's obligation is during the term of this contact only and not for discovery of damage or infestation after expiration of this contract. 6. DISCLAIMERS Company's liability under this contract will be terminated if company is prevented from fulfilling its responsi- bilities under the terms of this contract by circumstances or causes beyond the control of company. Company's liability under this contact will not be enforceable until payment for original treatments (services) have been received in full. There are no guarantees or warranties expressed or implied, except those specifically stated herein. There are no warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 7. BINDING ARBITRATION In the event of a dispute between company, or its employees and customer arising out of or relating to this contract, including but not limited to the interpretation of the terms and conditions. The making of this contract, or breach of any provision of this contract, the parties hereby expressly and mutually agree to submit their dispute to binding arbitration for reso- lution in accordance with the rules and requirements of the American Arbitration Association. Both parties understand that as a result of this agreement they are effectively waiving their right to trial by jury as a means of resolving disputes.