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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG1310-0080-Plansnorm X.611 p • ro a ca -6 PARCEL G N O. 01i F. 2 PLOT PIAN MODEL SAMERO-TRAD-GlR-R REVISIONS • PARIEANDGOLF &COUNTRY CUM REPEAT 12 AMBASSADOR COLLECTION f9p6. 4-23-13 f 11M MITE • j n JOB NO.: 030415 511P 0111 10T 51 gruxn AREAPPM S0 FEET LEGEND O, a u WmSEI i/Y eapi' L fT PM! - CG�. O Cr�9IE AMU" Dot O . to* ICU - VETK CE/7EAl51E ® "Mt( - $AMITMT o ell ttEwart 1 I - SFOrM muSfl1E Q COnPIETE "4"4 w k I N" • rInNIr& MSC alwn1OANT ....s.7,47:11.1 Yuar1UN. AS-eLLrp ECRC saw �...-•arR M 5) NaOSFlKcaw Yo5 0 flow AOOW 1111( SCALE; 17 31)' } SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS IRRIGATION LEGEND i HUNTER SPRAY HEAD OR SHRUB ADAPTOR X HUN "i'ER ROTOR HEAD HUNTER ELECTRIC VALVE GI HUNTER CONTROLLER WITH RAIN SENSOR PVB BACKFLOW PREVENTER NOT SHOWN: • CLASS 200 LA'1'bRAL PIPE • SCH 40 MAIN LINE WITH LOW VOLTAGE WIRE MINIMUM 16 GAUGE • SCH 40 SLEEVES 2 SIZES LARGER IRRIGATION NOS . 1. The contactor shall be responsible for contacting local undergronrnfding utilities to ‘verify locations. T"he contractor should visit the site prior to installation and become fami liar with existing conditions. 2. The contractor is responsible, for all material required to make the system function properly. All irrigat ion shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and also state an:ci/or local codes. 3. Irrigation plans are schemati c and drawn for graphic clarity. All.piping below pavement shall be sleeved. Layout of irrigation system shall be coordinated with corresponc ling landscape plan. 4. Sprinkler locations adjacent Ito pavement, structures, fences, etc., shall be offset as follows: 12' min for pop up mist heads:, 18' for shrub risers, 18' for rotor heads, and typically 5 f eet for rotors alon g uncurbed roadways: 5. All head on risers shall be set: at the height of adjacent plant material. 6. Piping in narrow planning ar eas, parking islanais and planters shall be set to one side to allow room for ro 'ot balls. Pipe as indicated on plan is schematic and should, be adjusted for Meld conditions. 7. Piping shall be sized to mininnize friction loss a nd maintain flowvelocity below 5 FPS. 8. All sleeving shall be Sch 4 PV C size indicated on plan, or if not indicated, a min. of 2 piipe sizes larger thz in supply line contained. All sleeves shall be installed a min. of 24" below finish grade. 9. The irrigation controller shall be installed in accordance with local codes and manufacturer's recommenda tions. Proper groin nding equipment: and surge protection shall be provided. A rain sensor shall be installed to over -ride the controller. 10. Control wires shall be UL apI roved PE irrigatic: n control wire. Use 14 gage control wire and 12 gage rou nd wire. Wire shaaIl be bundled and attached to the mainline in trench or through wire sleeves at pavement crossing 24" below finished grade. Ali spl: ices shall be made with waterproof direct burial splice kits and contained in v alve boxes. Two extra control wires. shall be installed to the furthest valves in each direction from the controller. 11. Valve locations are schematic: only and will be adjusted for site conditions. Each valve shall be installed lin Ametek or Carson valve box. The flow adjustment feature will be us led to balance pressure throughout .y:stem. 12. Watering time per station wi Il be determined im the field and per local requirements. Refer to mane ifacturer's instructions for precipitation rates of sprinklers; specified. 13. All glue joints shall be cleane d, sanded and treat:ed with a colored high etch primer and joined using a sol lvent conforming with ASTM D2564. 14. As -built drawings shall be pr epared by the contractor and given to the owner prior to final acceptan ice. • 15. All local permits shall be acgi aired by irrigation contractor prior to commencement OMEN GRADE ®woos. PGP ROTOR HEAD SWING Joan: NUJIER 'PRG -FLET TUBING. W HSBE-O75 OJOWS (2), k wwLnl MEET EI2OW (1) ®LATE . TEE OR E1J. ()mat FvE ®--4 PGP ROTOR HEAD Oma+ GRAM ()MOW. PROS -04 SPRAY HEAD OUTER./ TEE as al. 04 LATERAL PIPE SWING JOINT: EARNER 'PRO-Rne TWIG, HSBE-050 BROWS (2), & IMO STREET asow (T) PROS -04 SPRAY HEAD 18-24' Porn) MARE WATERPROOF coNNEZTORS (2) askate„...481801 GRADE RFLOTE coM1201. MIME w001E1 PCV-X)C(G STAMM MME 80X 83 1.0E. NIPPLE NNW UNE PPE & TIMGS BRCN SUPPORTS (4) M' MMus WASHED MEL PGV GLOBE VALVE DETAILS NOtES AND CITY OF PARKLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT 954-753-5447 Date Received: 5/22/14 Permit Number: BLDG1310-0080 Lot: 59 Block: D Subdivision: PARKLAND GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Job Address: 10175 CAMEILLA STREET Work Description: 59/D PG&CC Contractor: TOLL BROS INC Phone: 9549051350 DEPARTMENT Date Denied Date Approved Initials ZONING LANDSCAPING ENGINEERING FIRE STRUCTURAL ELECTRICAL PLUMBING (-- 27,4y fr'l/ 1 MECHANICAL 1