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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG1310-0080-ApplicationContact Person: Margaret LaCalle ALL OF THE FOLLOWING Toll Bros Inc. 951 Broken Sound State Zip FL 33487 'Company Name Business Address City Boca Raton City of Parkland Building Permit Application Phone #: (954) 905-1350 A 2'14 E-mail: mlacalle© MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Master Permit Number 133-06 s - 0080 Parkway, Suite #180 Date Phone # Construction Value (561) 999-1877 Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Phone # Architect's Name PA 190555 (215) 938-8000 'Architect's License # AR 94562 10175 Cameilla Street Lot 59 Block D IPhone # (407) 248-5800 Property Owner's NameToll FL V LLC, A Florida Limited Liability Company Owner's Street Address 250 Gibraltar Road City State Zip Horsham Job Site Address Work Description: New Construction - Single Family Toll Architecture 72328 (561) 752-5440 Toll Architecture q --74t 33oSI1So Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: (Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: Donald Robert Barnes !License number: CGC15210 'Signature of Qu On this [u day of 0 13 before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the tate of Florid , onally appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrftnent, ape/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARCPUB C,'STATE OF FLORIDA ,�a i ii -e1. e:V1G7 ) PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC i // Personally known to me 0 Produced identification 0 Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer ❑ Oath not taken i"''• SAIRA KHAJA MY COMMISSION # FF 024224 EXPIRES: June 5, 2017 T ''"C, Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Rf,t„ Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: William Schmidt Owner's Address: 250 Gibraltar Road, Horsham, PA 19055 Signature of Property Owner: On this 10 day ofJUly 20 13 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the ument, ad %ee/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. �Wrt NOTARfPUBLIC. STATE OF FLORID lit ev PRINTED NA /I�IE OF NOTARY PUBLIC "Personally known to me 0 Produced identification 0 Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: ❑ Oath not taken n ..,,, SAIRA KHAJA MY COMMISSION # FF 024224 ;ffEXPIRES: June 5, 2017 - �'�` Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Electrical-COntractar: TRAYLOR ELECTRIC CO. INC . Business Address: 4240 W. HILLSBORO BLVD, COCONUT CREEK, FL License #: EC 0091 1 R 5 Estimated Construction Va Phone #: 954-471-11n • ,AI ( NotificationE-mail: 1Qualifier Signature: - Jf 1 Print Name: The foregoing instrument was ackrwledged before me thus day of who ispersonally_known to me or who produced Notary Public: 'Plumbing .Contractor: Business Address: License #:, - Phone #: My Commission Expires: 33073 lue: (lq-00 GARY R . RVANS sem. Q�,13 the above named person Wiie_'r tification whcvitidicticiattEtfae ari�rth Notary Public - State of Florida ' My Cornet. Expires Jun 23, 2016 =?y °Commission # EE 196789 - Bonded Thiru PJeti Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: (Qualifier Signature: Print Name: • The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus d'ay of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: . My Commission Expires: Mechanical. Contractor: Business Address: License #: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: landscaping- Contractor: Business. Address: License #: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other. Contractor: Business Address: License #: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of wllu is pC1..>1-11.d11y LIuw, .tL IC VI /Pi Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ,20 identi i ,by the above named person (Electrical Contractor: (Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Ridgeway Plumbing Business Address: 640 E. Industrial Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 !License#: CFC019077 Phone #: 561-732-3176 > Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: /' Print Name: Gary Kozan The foregoing instrument was nowledged before me thus 30 day of May,20 13 ,by the above named person who is personally known to m or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: gl4 Notary Public; My Commission Expires: KATHLEEN M. HALL Notary Public - State of Florida - Mechanical Contractor: % -•.�!v:j My Comm. Expires Jun 11, 2014 Business Address: ; F �> commission uu ytf I /L4 .. Anndrd TFr,16 Ahf{,r`I gelefosefir - License #: Estimated ConstrI ,d. I c�,a ; .1 � e Phone #: Notification E-mail: 1Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: 'Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: (Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: License #: Phone #: Estimated Value: Applicant Signature: . Print or Type Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of _ , 20 by the above named person, who is personally known to me or who produced _ as identification who did/did not take an oath. Notary Public: My commission Expires: License #: Phone #: Applicant Signature: Print or Type Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: License #: CAC032382 Applicant Signature: e . egoinc who is persot Notary Pub! LAND License #: Estimated Value: , 20 , by the above named person, as identification who did/did not take an oath. My commission Expires: Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical Phone #: 56 -689-1093 �--_ Print or Type Name: John L. Childers day of , 20 12 , by the above named person, as acknowledged before me thus Phone #: Estimated Value: -+ 2c5J as identification w • d'./.i. My commission Expire Q,�ppr P(1 Notary Public State of Ronde Tricia Radd :� Q My C nmmig ion EE 113545 Fvnirts 07/16!2015 Estimated Value: Applicant Signature: Print or Type Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of , 20 by the above named person, who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: as identification who did/did not take an oath. My commission Expires: License #: Phone #: Estimated Value: Applicant Signature: Print or Type Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus _ day of , 20 by the above named person, who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath. Notary Public: My commission Expires: lElectrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: 1Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: 'License #: 'Phone #: Print Name: day of My Commission Expires: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: 'Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: 'License #: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Toll Landscape Business Address: 'License#: CGC1521087 'Phone #: Qualifier Signature: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: —� Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrumenAa) a cnow)dged before me thus I 0 day of July who is personally known to me car ho produced Notary Public: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: 'Phone #: 'Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: My Commission Expires: ,20 ,by the above named person as I�entifiratinn v,(ha rlirUrtiri nnt t ka �. oath 6 ig- �0,0.'":;4%l ' SAIRAKHAJA T :.: ....s MY COMMISSION $ FF 024224 EXPIRES: June 5, 2017 .f of hn' Bonded Thtu Notary Pubic Underwriters Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: day of ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath 5 t`,` ck x, \ CA -v3 Electrical Contractor: IA \A NA -0 a Hyl Business Address: 2.1A\ rj 'iY ‘'‘ y,, - a•lt` .P-1 -V-•jl-, I.avc.Af-,1rdk ale , L- $3?j\ a License #: EP 2. 0000 45 -7 J Estimated Construction Value: "1.S(9 "Ii' Phone #: 9 L4 • a - (--)i- Le Notification E-mail: Ar -p .�.k� �Q � • c 1 Qualifier Signature: ) C_� C Pt4nt Name: D 0.v \ c c:SD—r V. r e. Cr-\> 4 - The foregoing ins - . cknowledged before me thus!;, day of PL j ,20 t3 ,by the above named person who personally known to me or , ho produced LJ as identification who did/did not take an oath stiY'iy ANGELA PERRY .. ,•, ;.E MY COMMISSION i FF 006850 '• -,,.;,as EXPIRES: August 10, 2017 • 6.4,W Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Notary Publ' PlumbingCL6r�tfactor: Business Address: License #: My Commission Expires: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Print Name: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: City of Parkland, Florida BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Contact Person: Phone #:_ i 2(2 S QIA E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPUCANT, ACCORDING TO FS 713.135: - leA) sf)(404141e2s _410h-r-ribiettiere-2.: 5rFc..ELTApppvt mos icisi"" _0. Pa rnairte42--6'. ''), ta" #"'''. ."!.'.. '''' **17-"rierti,::: -;f. , 1 - 1 iiwAl ' .J®d_e4f se, ,PlaiJ c--atio16.101717‘-- 174 (3t� Si L Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as Indicated. t certify that no. work or in.:m 'mon has ..v,.„.,vr n Oar to the issuance of pemdt and that alt work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS. AIR COMMONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TOOWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCPEENT MAY RESULT YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT wilt YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR Hosea OF SENT • NOTARY PUaUC. SLUE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY POEM 0 Persa a y known to me, ar 0 Produced idem Q Oath taken 20 / Vbbefore me, the undersigned Notary Publaof the State of Florida. '”—th,' ane whose none is subsrad to mrd 'ilialLBSUROBILandbadowacknoreledgesihakkeldmenachted Witness my hand and atbaai Beal NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE 0 Oath not taken —s. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: i certify that alt the foregoing information is accurate aid that all walk will be clone in Compliance with all applicable laws regulating constzuction and zoning. On Utas day of NOTARY PUSUC. BITTE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC Personalty Moral to me. or [Produced identification App6Oatto 1lpptoved BY X ''•.�OF F'!.OP: (4071390=0160 LOUELLA PERDUE MY COMMISSION #FF038075. EXPIRES July 21, 2017 FlttndaN®taty®erviaccam 2A ,/ before me the tardy Notary PubEn of the State of Randa; personally Mussed and whose name is subscribed to and within the Instrument, and hdahe acknowledges that hehhe weeded R. Witness my hand and official seaL NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE O Oath taken O Garb not taken Pannit Officer _1 REIL O7A7 Contact Person: Margaret LaCalle City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.citvofnarkland.ore Phone #: (954) 905-1350 E mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name Toll Bros Inc. Business Address City State Boca Raton FL 33487 951 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite #180 Zip Phone # (561) 999-1877 Property Owner's Name Toll FL V LLC, A Florida Limited Liability Company Owner's Street Address 250 Gibraltar Road City State Zip Phone # Horsham PA 19044 (215) 938-8000n Job Site Address 10 fly C a 1, (G 3({{t' Lot 0 0 S CA Block 5 q D Work Description: Electric/Low Voltage Asbuilt Master Permit Number Date Construction Value Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architects Name Architects License # Phone # t310_00g0 Toll Architecture 72328 (561) 752-5440 Toll Architecture AR 94562 (407) 248-5800 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Buil Donald Robert License number: CGC1521 •: Signature of • ali' On this V day ofMay , 20 14 . befo e undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared Donald R 041Dat name is subscribed to and within the i t ment, 74 /she acknowledges that he/she executed it. .ter NOTAR�PUBLIC, ATE OF FLO DA I(,�t� (PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC` Personally known to me ❑ Produced identification ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer ❑ Oath not taken SAIRA KHAJA MY COMMISSION 4 FF 0242; EXPRES: June 5, 2017 r hni Note/ Pubic Undurwraars Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: Margaret LaCalle Owner's Address: 250 Gibraltar Road, Horsham,A 1905 Signature oflro \ On this (,I day of May Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared Margaret LaCalle and whose name is subscribed to and within the instaument, �j�d he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOT . 20 14 , before me, the undersigned PUBLIC, STATE OF FLO IDA C4,1 RINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ' Personally known to me CI Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: ❑ Produced identification ❑ Oath not taken SAIRA KHAJA MY COMMISSION >4 FF 024224 EXPIRES: Jane 5, 2017 80,q106 Thai Notary Pubic Underwriters License #: EC0001185 Applicant Signature: Traylor Electric Co Inc ne #: 954-421-3300 Av The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known tome or who produced Notary Public: • License #: Applicant Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Phone #: Notary Public: • Estimated Value: Print or Type Name: Gary R Evans day of My commis Print or Type Name: day of VICK, L DACEY ntii VilKi 1 614 4 0911 ath. •c My Comm. Expires Jun 23, 2016 Commission # EE 196789 3ondod Through-Natlnnal Nntaty Assn., Estimated Value: , 20_ by the above named person, as identification who did/did not take an oath. My commission Expires: License #: Phone #: Estimated Value: Applicant Signature: Print or Type Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of 20 , by the above named person, who is personally known tg me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath. Notary Public: My commission Expires: License #: Phone #: Estimated Value: Applicant Signature: Print or Type Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of March . 20 12 , by the above named person, who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath. Notary Public: My commission Expires: License #: Phone #: Estimated Value: Applicant Signature: Print or Type Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of 20`, by the above named person, who is personally me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath. Notary Public: My commission Expires: i Electrical Contractor: HW Automation, Inc Business Address: 2415 Stirling Rd, Ste B. Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312 License #: EF20000457 Phone #: 95A322etStif -- cs Qualifier Signature:! Th Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: David Botknecht as acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,b the above named person as identificatio who did did not take an oath who is personally known to m Notary Public: Plumbing Co tr or: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: r who produced ,1*.''tib;,. My ���n txpir * ::: MY COMMISSION k FF 006850 EXPIRES: August 10, 2017 $`' Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters 3-10-V? Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 31 day of December ,20 30 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 31 day of December ,20 30 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 31 day of December ,20 30 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 31 day of December ,20 30 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED IN FRONT AT ALL TIMES City of Parkland 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 (954) 753-5447 BUILDING\ENGINEERING PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER: BLDG1310-0080 PERMIT TYPE: SFR SITE ADDRESS: 10175 CAMEILLA STREET TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT: NONE Applicant Information Contractor Information TOLL BROS INC 951 BROKEN SOUND PARKWAY SUITE 180 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 (954) 905-1350 ISSUED DATE: 11/26/2013 FOLIO NO: 474133051180 CODE YEAR: Owner Information TOLL FL V LLC 250 GIBRALTAR RD HORSHAM, PA 19044-2323 DESCRIPTION: 59/D PG&CC WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. (F.S. 713.135). Notice: In addtion to the requirements of this permit there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in Public Records of the County, and there may be additiona permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies or federal agencies. PERMIT EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM EITHER THE ISSUE DATE OR 90 DAYS FROM THE LAST APPROVED INSPECTION For Inspections please call (954) 753-5447. Inspections are scheduled for same-day inspections up until 6:00 AM. Building Official or Authorized Signature Date ELECTRICAL SEQ INSPECTION TYPE ID 30 DAY FOR TESTING TEMP ON HOUSE 2 SERVICE GROUND 2 SLAB ELECTRIC 6 ALARM ROUGH 6 ELECTRIC ROUGH 6 SPEAKER ROUGH 6 TELEPHONE ROUGH 6 TV ROUGH 12 ALARM FINAL 12 ELECTRIC FINAL 12 SPEAKER FINAL 17 TFI FDI-1(1NF I INAI INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE PLUMBING SEQ INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE ID 12 IRRIGATION FINAL 12 IRRIGATION ROUGH 12 PLUMBING FINAL STRUCTURAL SEQ INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE ID 1 NOC 2 SOIL BEARING CERT 2 TRUSS PLANS ON FILE 3 SLAB 4 PRODUCT APPROVALS 4 SOIL TERMITE TREAT 4 SPOT SURVEY 12 ITV FINAL SEQ INSPECTION TYPE ID THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED IN FRONT AT ALL TIMES City of Parkland 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 (954) 753-5447 BUILDING\ENGINEERING PERMIT ENGINEERING DW SUBGRADE DENSITY NPDES INITIAL SIDEWALK FORMS SIDEWALK SUB DENSITY 12 ENG DRAINAGE SEQ INSPECTION TYPE ID 6 GAS LINE RGH IN -FIRE 12 FINAL GAS -FIRE FIRE LANDSCAPING INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE SEQ INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE ID 12 LANDSCAPING MECHANICAL SEQ INSPECTION TYPE ID CONDENSATE LINE 6 ROUGH DUCT 12 MECHANICAL FINAL INSPECTOR DATE No Inspection Group SEQ INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE ID 12 ZONING INSPECTION 14 FINAL PLUMBING SEQ INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE ID SEWER CONNECTION 2 GROUND ROUGH 2 WATER SERVICE 6 GAS LINE RGH IN -PL 6 TOP OUT 12 FINAL GAS -PLUMBING 5 TIE BEAM/BOND 6 ROOF SHEATHING 6 TRUSS 6 UNIT MASONRY CERT 6 WALL SHEATHING 6 WIND/DOOR BUCK 7 TIN CAP 8 HOT MOP IN PROGRESS 9 FRAMING 9 WIND/DOOR ATTACHMENT 9 WIRE LATH 10 INSULATION 11 DRYWALL SCREW 11 ROOF TILE UPLIFT TST 11 TILE IN PROGRESS 12 DRIVEWY STEEL/PAVERS 12 FINAL SURVEY 12 PATIO SLAB/PAVERS 12 ROOF FINAL 12 SHUTTERS 12 SIDEWALK 13 ADMIN POOL COMPLETE 15 ADMIN CHECKLIST** Contact Person: Angela Perry City of Parkland Building Permit Application Phone #: 9543220136 E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 'Company Name HW Business Address 2415 Stirling Rd, Ste B. City State Zip Phone # Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 Property Owner's Name Toll Brothers Inc. 'Owner's Street Address 9425 Old Club Rd City State Zip Parkland, FL 33076 Job Site Address Work Description: 10175 Cameilla St Phone # Lot 9543220136 9547577747 59 Block Master Permit Number BLDG -1310-0080 Date _ t r — Construction Value Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's Name Architect's License # Phone # (--107) rc C;C'a tec �Cme.i ` \fie \o ,:..j Cr\ -\-ca, (\PA- r-, 'c, Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU I INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: David Botknecht License number: EF20000457 alifier: On this 6 Q • ay of FebruartJ20 1 4Jbefore me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared DBotknecht nd whose name is subscribed to and within the in�ru ent, and he/ e a' nowledges that he/she executed it. NOTA'rev-Pt181TSTAT Angela Perry PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC Ig Personally known to me X Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer O Produced identification ID Oath not taken ,,; ANGELA PERRY I t+Rl r.,�,� ' = MY COMMISSION # FF 006850 ;.;..: EXPIRES: August 10, 2017 `+ -Star Bonded Toru Notary Public Undemdters Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: Owner's Address: Signature of Property Owner: On this 3 lay of December. 20 30 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ❑ Personally known to me a Produced identification a Oath taken o Oath not taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: PermitTRAK Page 1 of 3 Site 4 Permit 0 BLDG1310-0080 No Parent Activities No Permits 4 No Cases No Issues (Lem -0 L/6 - Lip I- • BIDG13104)D80 5 559') • BLDG1310-0080 59/D PG&CC 1f:el, ISSUED tt4.petet:tt SFR 1t'et'Ivr.t. NONE Add Notes • 474133051180 10175 CAMEILLA STREET et, PARKLAND FL .tzt, 33076 . • 6!: • D .• rottt.,.t, 11 H. 5 Vet :Ann rette,k. t.1! t,tf•ti ttz-et:ott Cued 0:3 P99 • C.. 5 95595'. 4,, • .1 10/09/2013 41,15' Art,tt.,:t 11/19/2013 50 t3 11/26/2013 e• -ti 05/25/2014 tetste,,en PARKLAND GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB • Add inspections ". Calendar Sat Sequence 30 DAY FOR TESTIN... 0 tk, ro,•,oft; ft,ne PARCEL 59 59 • ry- „, W.- ttztt,„.• Steve Mitchell to,00 ooto..,oks'; vy; > CONDENSATE LINE t..o Rowdy Gifford tt-t tn.t4tt • tooi tt,.: z,+.3 • DW SUBGRADE DENSI... te,pecto Perry Taborn • NPDES INITIAL ,,t,petett• Perry Taborn t5'9te.1 fttie4., • t.e 0 • SEWER CONNECTION Rowdy Gifford ees 0 ^,A1 • > SIDEWALK FORMS t e Perry Tabom 4. ns.,/ : > SIDEWALK SUB DENS... Perry Tabom k TEMP ON HOUSE 0 Ren,it Steve Mitchell ook, .1,o, • 1 NOC ir,O;, Debbie Grosse ,10,1 11/26/2013 ttet APPROVED e GROUND ROUGH 2 e SERVICE GROUND 2 SLAB ELECTRIC o,,00r000k, • 11/26/2013 f•tt tt• Rowdy Gifford P0:11,,55 ;0, P. etette Steve Mitchell itteett ko, MI; ,o,on •000. tt Steve Mitchell • i tittm.,11t•y1. 9. .10 1 SOIL BEARING CERT Michael Guerasio .o,,ok 'WO 01 2 • TRUSS PLANS ON FI... Marilyn Blancett St o9.10.; • 2 q, Prritt •• • • • 4.. ' WATER SERVICE ..,,ee..t, Rowdy Gifford Attachments0;.. rtetd12 „ .:„,;,,,k., ir,, ,,, 2 .,',,ti, ,o, Oxl.y.y: 't•o+ ;,,o, 2 1,e,t,i• .,t .__... -' Internet • SLAB Michael Guerasio . Plan LocatitAi 4 PRODUCT APPROVALS t\ttot Michael Guerasio vy, V,ow Notes • > SOIL TERMITE TREA... Michael Guerasio 5. t•qn, http ://parkvcapp/trakit9/permitTRAK. aspx?cmcl—PERMI TNO &permit_no=BLD G1310-0... 11/26/2013 PermitTRAK Page 2 of 3 • SPOT SURVEY ,kref.'1,» Michael Guerasio 4 Pe‘t:;1 • TIE BEAM/BOND l‘pecto: Michael Guerasio 6 ALARM ROUGH n,;,•-•,1, Steve Mitchell ELECTRIC ROUGH Steve Mitchell 1,24,0t ,00 ,eetf;t1 iNe ;Pi; C ,03,1,1(1 GAS LINE RGH IN -F... 6 '0,040; '0,4'11'2 '•:sok • t.,• Bruce Bowers ;,3n > GAS LINE RGH IN -P... Rowdy Gifford 6 , ROOF SHEATHING Michael Guerasio Reno: irg• 6 t • ROUGH DUCT 6 un. 00.ito, Scott Wiese! >. SPEAKER ROUGH Steve Mitchell 6 Ro.;:tet 6 TELEPHONE ROUGH uoo. .010 Steve Mitchell *0,0.0,0; . • > TOP OUT ir Rowdy Gifford 6 R4 --,,z) > TRUSS Michael Guerasio 6 • TV ROUGH •.,..rt,,Ior Steve Mitchell 6 ('0'!, 00'!' • UNIT MASONRY CERT ite,r,i,e0: Michael Guerasio 6 Re,:iit • ) I r :VP • 6 , • • • WIND/DOOR BUCK Michael Guerasio F. ,,.•1 6*0.100 e ir --- WALL SHEATHING Michael Guerasio • 4, TIN CAP Michael Guerasio 7 'it • ....... ..... • HOT MOP IN PROGRE... ,iine:to. Michael Guerasio Re,t,it • > FRAMING 9 - ------------ _• Michael Guerasio um'? .romiq,i , ri • > WIND/DOOR ATTACHM... Michael Guerasio 9 • WIRE LATH Michael Guerasio fci'0} • • INSULATION t„i Michael Guerasio 10 DRYWALL SCREW I., Michael Guerasio 0. ,r r C • .• Ir,r 11 • ROOF TILE UPLIFT ... 1:1:roct, Michael Guerasio • ,ho • „6 TILE IN PROGRESS Michael Guerasio • tf 11 ALARM FINAL Steve Mitchell fietiti,Jd 0.t1 ;no, 1 40, yy, 12 > DRIVEWY STEEL/PAV... rt nu, ,non 12 ''0'1'0O' k0. ..• > ELECTRIC FINAL hi 12 ' Steve Mitchell 0. http ://parkvcapp/trakit9/permitTRAK. aspx?cmcl—PERMI TNO8zpermit_no—BLDG1310-0... 11/26/2013 PermitTRAK Page 3 of 3 12 12 12 12 ENG DRAINAGE tt,t,t, Perry Taborn Rittttetit ,rt,r ,tstrit FINAL GAS -FIRE Rttrtrutt 'nor, Bruce Bowers FINAL GAS-PLUMBIN... Rowdy Gifford .rruit totrutzt) tk,NOi`• ;,0 irmr.rArrj FINAL SURVEY ,trC, t00144 IRRIGATION FINAL 12 • IRRIGATION ROUGH 2 l,crecl..v Marilyn Blancett trirrerit,t, Rowdy Gifford tt'ettidtkr, 4:00: ,40 — ..... ..... ..... 4,1 eclo. Rowdy Gifford ..r1 t+ n • LANDSCAPING Brian Archer -rri:t eq.; 12 MECHANICAL FINAL 12 itttrp— t tt Scott Wiese! mar 'eh btyrt,t otrt rrtttt. 00.000,; rno, PATIO SLAB/PAVERS ,,:00,1..; Michael Guerasio 12 r,r; ,. tort t crtrt • it Z.try .,rtrt • PLUMBING FINAL t.t, Rowdy Gifford „rttrttAtt!rt ,tt'tt 12 yr.) r prrt ROOF FINAL 12 Pr, tit (tt, t.stpti ,vcro: Michael Guerasio orl t tt ttttttr .trt SHUTTERS 1,1,00:, Michael Guerasio 01.W.rk0'ry) ,th 000 Rt.Vri.,1k.r. t Pt, t't 12 SIDEWALK 12 Retrtrt,t 12 Michael Guerasio :t f;ttt tot,' Rrtnttrtio, rrrr rrtttlattr.r titt .r.r" SPEAKER FINAL z, Steve Mitchell R.,,rutt t:rro eet.trk,t tirtt It<,,, tits let, 4.0; t:trtrot .tprtt tt,th ott,tr • TELEPHONE FINAL Steve Mitchell re,01 12 ;oat ,; t, tt;,, r opt ,ttrttirtratyttrt f!113 00, ▪ TV FINAL Steve Mitchell .tt,t, = .ittfretatt ttrtt 10,0; 1.,ttor,t 12 ZONING INSPECTION Tamara Frost Fre, 00004,, 10,44, ;Z:01• .10,.1 :r 12 13 ADMIN POOL COMPLE... Marilyn Blancett tr,•. 2r'1,1, ;”,PrIrt "Mr. • FINAL R,,,rttr ttr,trtrt 14 15 12, .............. __________ Michael Guerasio ADMIN CHECKLIST** Marilyn Blancett :r• I OO.t te,ttlt; {11,4, 00::' tr:0; :000( http://parkvcapp/trakit9/permitTRAK.aspx?cmd=PERMITNO&permit_no=BLDG1310-0... 11/26/2013 PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT t B DG1310-008) 1124- 5 PERMIT TREE City of Parkland PERMIT TREE PERMIT PE STATUS kS CI4ARGED OBVALUE DESCRIPTION, APPLIED FEES PAID._. OWNER ISSUED BALANCE DUE SFR ISSUED $9,009.09 $295,120.00 TOTAL of ALL FEE; 59/D PG&CC 10/09/2013 11/26/2013 $8,915.09 $94.00 TOLL FL V LLC JQBVA1 E Drintod• Thnrcrlw 12 Go hn iory 2C11 1 of 1 01121111111 PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT CBLDG1310-0089) -Tit-tt Se? I r> (ke* R.0 PERMITS 1 Drint.Irl• Frirlm*, 1 KA,. 1f11 A PERMJTTREE PERI%/1IT TYPE DESCRIPTION STATUS APPLIED ISSUED FEES CHARGED FEES PAID BALANCE DUE JOBVALUE OWNER SFR ISSUED $9,194.49 $295,120.00 TOTAL of.ALL:FBE 59/D PG&CC 10/09/2013 $9,009.09 TOLL FL V LLC k 11/26/2013 $185.40 FEES CHARGED FEES PAID BAA.At.:CF..'. DOE JOBVAE.UE $9,194.49 $9,009.09 1 nf 1 $185.40 $295,120.00 h WWYWWWW I 1 1 PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT (BLDG1310-0080 mLac 59fb PERM T TYPE TATUS FEES CHARGED OBVALUE APPLIED FEES PAID .CRIP tON• °`.. NER S UED., au ALANCE DUE SFR ISSUED $9,476.99 $295,120.00 59/0 PG&CC 10/09/2013 11/26/2013 $9,194.49 $282.50 TOLL FL V LLC PER FEES CHARGED FEES PAID 1 $9,476.99 $9,194.49 Printorl• Thilrcrinv T) PAnv ')(11A 1 of 1 NCE QUI JOBVALUE $282.50 $295,120.00 PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT 81DG1310-0080) PERMITS BLDG1310-0080 PERMIT TYPE STATUS FEES CHARGED OBVALUE APPLIED FEES PAID OWNER DESCR PTION ISSUED BALANCE DUE FEES CHARGED F ` SFR APPROVED $8,915.09 $295,120.00 59/D PG&CC 10/09/2013 $550.00 TOLL FL V LLC $8,365.09 Drininri• Crirlo.i 7') Nnunmhnr ')f111 1 of 1 ♦'/!EA/ TOLL BROTHERS NORTH SPRINGS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 10300 N.W. 11th Manor Coral Springs, Florida 33071 (954) 753-0729 RECEIPT FOR UTILITY SERVICE REQUEST INVOICE: 12341 JULY 12. 2013 (applicant) (date) 9425 OLD CLUB ROAD 547-4185-02 (billing address) (account number) PARKLAND, FLORIDA 33076 (city, state, zip) APPLICANT IS FAMILIAR WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE APPLICATION FOR WATER SERVICE AND ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES TO ABIDE BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. METER USE FEE SYSTEM CONNECTION FEE WATER USE DEPOSIT REPAIRS (meter number) (installation date) 5/8" NETER TO BE CHARGED ON FIRST SILL (by) 10175 CA?MEILLA STREET (service address) 39/D/POD 17—I8/PARKLAND GOLF 6 COUNTRY CLUB (legal descrp.) PAY THIS AMOUNT $ 500.00 3025.00 $ 3525.00 CHECK# 1. ° ° ? I $ CASH $ BY APPLICANtS SIGNATURE COPIES: White/Builders Copy - Pink/Building Permit Copy - Yellow/Office Copy - Green/Connect Order, W/S - Gold/Connect Order, Office BR; F 10 R IDA o080 Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department PLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1 North University Drive, Building A, Suite 102 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-357-6666 FAX 954-357-6521 Broward County Transportation Concurrency Satisfaction Certificate * Please note that this approval does not constitute Environmental Review Approval. You will still need the Environmental Approval Certificate to submit to the Building Department. Issue Date: 10/09/2013 DR Review #: 0024789 Application Number: 000374981 Title of Drawings: AC LOT 59D Project#: --- Plan Last Revision Date: October 8, 2013 Bldg Dept Jurisdiction: Parkland Legal Description: Plat Name: Prklnd Golf & Cntry Club Replat #2 Plat Number: 069 -MP -03 Book: 174 Page: 137 Lot: 59 Block: D Address: 10175 Cameilla Street, Parkland, FI. 33076 Construction Type: New Construction This approval is issued in accordance with Sec. 27.66 of the Broward County Natural Resource Protection Code. This approval is specific for the plans and description described on this approval. Any changes in footprint, Lot #, or bedrooms or use will require a new approval. Development Review G'' BUILDING OFFICIAL: Broward County Planning & Environmental Regulation Division impact and/or transportation concurrency fees have been satisfied/paid for Proposed: 4 -bedroom Single Family Unit Lot 59 Block D Receipt# 0024789 13/ TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY SATISFACTION: Certificate is hereby issued *Any revision to these plans requires a new development review by the division. If a building permit is not applied for within 30 days of the Environmental Review Approval, plans must be re -submitted to the Planning and Environmental Regulation Division for re-evaluation. Development Reviewer Name: Howard Clarke BRWARD F LOR IDA Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department PLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1 North University Drive, Building A, Suite 102 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-357-6666 FAX 954-357-6521 Broward County Environmental Review Approval Certificate Issue Date: 10/9/2013 ER Review #: 000374981 Title of Drawings: AC LOT 59D Project#: --- Plan Last Revision Date: October 8, 2013 Bldg Dept Jurisdiction: Parkland Legal Description: Plat Name: Prklnd Golf & Cntry Club Replat #2 Lot: 59 Block: D Address: 10175 Cameilla Street, Parkland, FI. 33076 Construction Type: New Construction This approval is issued in accordance with Sec. 27.66 of the Broward County Natural Resource Protection Code. This approval is specific for the plans and description described on this approval, any changes in footprint, Lot #, or bedrooms or use will require a new approval. APPROVED Rf WARNING NOTIFICATION TO THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION DIVISION IS REQUIRED WITHIN TEN (10) WORKING DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT, A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION, FINAL INSPECTION OR ANY OTHER ACTION THAT ALLOWS OCCUPANCY OF THE BUILDING OR FACILITY. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED TO ELECTRONICALLY UPDATE BUILDING PERMIT AND CO DATA ONLINE AT HTTPS://DMDWEB.BROWARD.ORG/DMDWEB/LOGIN.ASPX [,,i' COMMENTS SFR, LOT 59 BLK D If a building permit is not applied for within 30 days of the Environmental Review Approval, plans must be re -submitted to the Planning and Environmental Regulation Division for re-evaluation. Environmental Reviewer Name: Rerkv Dnc h INSTR # 111738946, OR BK 50081 PG 296, Page 1 of 1, Recorded 08/14/2013 at 02:34 PM, Broward County Commission, Deputy Clerk 3535 Pernik a Foto NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement van be made to certain real property and M accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Stature, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement: lie woo noon*. nand., 1. Legal Description of Property: Lot 59 Block D Unit a_- Bldg # DLengthy rga1 attached Subdivision t Condominium: Parkland Golf & Country Club Street Address O eyebaths 10175 Carnegie Street. Plat Book 174. oe 137461. Raolat *2 2. General description of Improvement : New Construction - Single Family Noma with screened in lanai 3. a. Owner nanr and address: b. Interest In property: Name and address of tae simple Well0kler (It Other din Owner): Toil FL V Linked Partnership 9425 Old Club Road Parkland, FL 33076 Fee Simple 4. e. Contractor name and eddies.: Toll Orbndo limited Partbenh(o 951 Broken Sound Pkwy 4130 Bap Raton, FL 33487 b. Conuaao.s phone number. 561-999-1877 5. a. Surety name and address: b. Surotys phone number. C. Arrountof bond: 6. a. Lender name and address: 6. Lenders phone number: NIA y... Pinions within the SUM of Florid. designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents maybe served as provided by Section 713.13(11107., Florida Staub*: Nacos: William Schmidt, Toll FL V Limited Partnership Address: 9425 Old Club Road Parkland. FL 33076 b. Phone number. 954.905-1350 B. a. In addition to himself or herself, Ore Own.. desrgn50.l Donald Banes 3970 W Indtantown Road, Jupiter, FL 33478 . receive a copy of U nols Nolle per Section 713.12(1)(4 Florida 6. Phone number d person or entity desipnete4 by owner 561-741-5710 9. Expiration date of notice of e0mm enoemwm (eve rprdon date n I year from eve deb dl recording tern s chlor. Ore a seemed) WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTA OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART 1, SECTION 753.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. SignabrMisiof Owner{s►Ar_�wmm►hs)' A rizeuUq d OmctorlParmernMnaOm By Jit Name Title/Office ver.. sd.a.L, Mar 1,...,1•*. •0. Yr..^we. FUNK W.P. • Irrr P 'Lint Name TldatOmce STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD 'Me foregoing inabrrrnt was acknu vrdgad beton arm this A dey of 'ey 2013 By Wursasa,F3.mwaiaFLon rao..FL an. enWI. a ale Cam in ngge.asmound manor aI..lea Vud. FL µe e•n,,.•u0.,.b•l,raamid ._Iwy,O 0 Mk+idu(y,or DA G....Wa wouat f«.a n Vue RPM.. Peramiy known, or 0 P0. 00 the following Weea4*4. aBm: n SipnaW . W Notary Public: PAN Name: .3,ra ~ MAL) VERIFICATION PURSUANT TO SEC110N 92.526. FLtMh0A STATUTES Under penalties of p..Jury.1 declare IMI I have road the foregoing and that the tams stated in it aro bun, to rive beat of my knowbdg0 and belief. 1 SNRA pbW MY COMMISSION 0 FF024224 EXPIRES: Jute 5, SO17 Nadel Thin Ibiny Po4FeUudFeries SignaWMal%O7) OrierieY kehoriz OlftosdOfroctorMerbwaManaO/r who signed above: By _ i"', w/n BY g 00 d^pbmnb,m • Oka demmwmnela wird 7107 0( City of Parkland Plan Log Out This form must be completed before plans can be logged out ()Zoning ( ) Structural () Electrical () Plumbing kMechanical () Fire () Engineering Notified Date(s): 1111S1 13 Permit #: 1 31 o _ do $c7 Permit Type: sT{Z Contractor / Owner Name: Site Address: Owner Name: Date Logged Out: By: // I/ 3 • /3 r Mo404 Put. Print name ONLY Please! Company / Title: 10/05 -Tot-t_ /pm. 131 o - 0080 Scott Wiesel MECHANICAL PLAN REVIEW ENERGY CALC'S CALL FOR NC #1 TO BE 14.5 SEER 41. per'# /316 - c gO- Lot 511 Block. Sae P6cc,. Dec S M 20/`9 Ctaget Cor Sheet row hisidwitessearassaddsm•pr•egoo.iimrspumpdyseeadmaiihdiv simitsthecksmuibudiadicasiondlirtiopechblieldlinvingichnoiloastanady. L Ibors limiialeaitA isailykaeiaopidibeWorkpa o. . as ibecamkp Z. .Ihaveverifiedthatchergesioplasimosbeeadoldad&diedbytheASonteoma. 3. Uwe ceriiiedthathisdr,e�s"uf�ieaadhotatS sPlumatbeepedics,which w�imeed�obe�,�c Eter. �. c w law U6 ). e . rt � $ 41 IaaaeeoeeallnetatlirisaedaeiMdaaetaaepiet, isBaliiDiviioeargraemit withotarilew, aedieivesaaaeepoieiiHlylhraccsch mild iaya tr Actwovamew tIbaraaaad the above sooeoea -•- - ea IT, o04 s ComiactPbowe Numb=9 SY" 5,3 f id 6 Ne isw wed O - Sffteai ❑ • ibis Sieet#a D p QeesilIer &PaapererOw ar Electric -_ - ae rbi .t* E 1, 2, E3 ,8k Perak AppiieiecNoma bytmlisr& lir Omer o Pkixab%re r Gas - • 'Plea Slrat4an Q P rait4pplealieaApedA pler&tJmer ❑ Meebsokal Q !!s Sheet fa O Permit Appeases' Signet$ Q. ur&N jrOmer O PSS Q _ lbw Shut O hr>it.AppSeatb a Seed i3tOsalltier &PreparepOwear i3ICagisetwilig • O Plan Sheet ing 0--_: - 29eririta Polka. Opmer 0 Imaisagieg a Pim Sheet /in 0 . Perak Qwalliffor &fir Owner CITY OF PARKLAND Planning and Zoning Department 6600 University Drive, Parkland, FL 33067 (954) 753-5040 Fax (954) 341-5161 ANTI -MONOTONY APPLICATION 1. Please complete all information on the application and provide attachments. 2. Please provide a location map showing subject property, adjacent lots and surrounding lots. The location map must show at least two (2) lots on either side of subject property and five (5) lots directly across from subject property. 3. Please provide a list of ALL adjacent properties and surrounding properties building elevation, body paint color, trim paint color, roof color, and roof style. Map required must show listed information. (Photographs of surrounding homes accompanied by home aesthetics may be substituted, for required list). Identify vacant lots, if applicable. L APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant (if other than owner): 1-0 Lo iii tri / Address: City: P1 1�-4 L.'A P ST: 1 Zip: �,o'i G Phone: 5i©1-ciA61- IS -12 E -Mail Address: M�� 1 U t fr1"�i i�2.0T II. PROPERTY LOCATION & INFORMATION A. Folio Number:[ ][ ]-[ 11 ]--[ ][ ]-[ ][ ] -[ 1 B. Community: a...V. Lec%r' 0. Subdivision: r'1/4.A. 5 o t D. Property Address: E. Property Lot/Block: F. Model/Elevation: L< T 5g /p 7�dit�r2 r� ` 7L b [1-[1[111-[111[][1 (3-0 L (.' Li . ms' -rn G. House Color/Trim: SO'\ etik 1i' H. Roof Color/Style: 02/05/2009 Page 1 of 1 /gt Acte- J • J O = `'� z_ Y Q_Qc~/) >!, 00u �<ZOZ W IJrIX OZ Z � _ C W w0 : -JwQ NC��EQ-tea O • OLU wwzwIu-w 17- (1) 2aQO U >"W awaH~LL w btZOe(AJWO �vzw>zao¢ rewQ>OwDrew wIJwcatYwc 0I-ao0Owa¢ cf) Anti -Monotony Plan: Parkland Ambassador Collection Pod 17 RPRIIIFNTIAI 11FVFI CIPMFMT duiiiiiillli_I1 aA.3Q 0\ j� -�'rvc A L 5c -Y9 Color Package 17 Parkland Golf & Country Club Toll Brothers, Inc. Body Color Swishtail/CLC1221A Roof Color Light Brown/Black Antique Light Brown 8isdlot * Paver Color Driftwood Trim Color Jonesboro/CLC1219W Stone (as anulicablel Chardonnay/Old Country Field Stone Chordonnoy Old Country Fieldstone (CS' -368105) Garage Doors WornWood/CL2587N ■