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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013020017-ApplicationCITY OF PARKLAND 6600 UNIVERSITY DRIVE PARKLAND, FLORIDA 33067 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT Confirm. #: 673 MASTER #: 2013020017 A/C CHANGE OUT PERMIT#: 2013020017 PERMIT TYPE: AC JOB DESCRIPTION: A/ C CHANGE OUT JOB ADDRESS: 11847 NW 69 PL JOB VALUE : $ 3 I 10 0 . 0 0 ISSUED DATE: 02/07/2013 BY: ADM13 BLOCK: H ADDR NBR: LOT: 3 8141 SUBDIVISION #: 1017-HERON BAY EAST HBE HJ OWNER NAME: MEADOWS, ROBERT & SONIA APPLICANT: DOMINICK MANZO TYPE: CONTRACT JOB PHONE: ( 954) 973-6599 DBA: AIR AMERICA AIR CONDITIIONING HEAT CERT NBR: 5351 Permit holder acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that seperate permits must be obtained as required by Florida Building Code including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and structural work. Further he/she acknowledges responsibility to comply with all requirements of the Florida Building Code. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements in this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the records of this jurisdiction, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. s:553.79(10) ,F.S. ~ING TO OiRIER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. s:713.135,F.S. F.B.C. 304.3 Permit expires within six(6) months of· issue date or three(3) months of last inspection date. Building Official or Authorized Signature Date For Inspection, Call (954) 757-4107 CDPR2020 CDPR1120 -Permit Payment Slip CITY OF PARKLAND Permit Payment Slip PAYMENT SLIP NBR: PT-2013020017 PERMIT NBR TYPE STATUS 2013020017 AC READY JOB DESCRIPTION A/C CHANGE OUT JOB PHONE (954)973-6599 JOB ADDRESS 11847 NW 69 LOT ~ APPLICANT CN DOMINICK PL BLOCK -H-- MANZO DBA SUBDIVISION HERON BAY EAST HBE HJ CERT NBR 5351 AIR AMERICA AIR CONDITIIONING HEATING OWNER INFORMATION MEADOWS, ROBERT & SONIA 11847 NW 69 PLACE PARKLAND FL 33076 FEE CODE BRWD DBPR DCAF PERMM2 DESCRIPTION USER BROWARD COUNTY SURCHARGE ADM02 BCAIB & CILB ADM02 DEPT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FL ADM02 RES CONST COST OVER $1,000 ME ADM02 THIS IS NOT A RECEIPT MASTER NBR 2013020017 TOTAL DUE City of Parkland Printed on: 2/5/2013 AMOUNT DUE 2.04 2.06 2.06 136.50 $142.66 u ~~ 2:48:42PM ) ~ CD-Plus for Windows 95/98/NT Page 1 of 1 Printed By: ADM13 City of Parkland Building Permit Application Contact Person:, Phone nqS Y. Z 55· ()Lj 3/f E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name for{ A~n(_c_ AJC Master Permit Number ,2·a!3o~l2 Business Address flSSD NW 3C1 51 Date a_jf}J1 CitvC,\)ilA, l ;)pflfl~ State PJ Zip E$]d6Phone # Cl3-t Z~ ~OsT'/ Construction Value 3100~ ..0 Engineer's Name Property Owner's Name eeoe (j. BJ&1 i c,_ vYcacJ~ Engineer's license# Owner's Street Address l I 'ii1:} /VW (.p C( pJ Phone# City Pu {)Llc..,nd state PI Zip S~7f.P'hone# QS'{. ZC&>J-3-/3/ Architect's Name Architect's License# Job Site Address t l54l-/VVV ~4 ol lot 3 Block 1-/ Phone# Work Description: k/c Ch~l1 tJe., CJ--cf -J Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTIERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATIORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor _,_,_=--' 2 ___,before me, the undersigned e of Florida, personally appeared b~"'-'---'-'---<--~"-"_~_and whose name is subscribed to and within BLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA Q Personally known to me Q Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAl OF OFFICE: Property Owner Q Personally known to me Q Oath taken Q Produced identification Q Oath not taken -"' ·• • '<>· Nota p · :>,,-;'-<'~·~~~·~~~;'-:., JENiFER PALLOM : *I .( • ry ubltc -State of Florida ~:>: ~<>':-> My Com~. Expires Dec 19, 2013 l~fcr;;.o;,,, Corr.mtssion # 00 945 1 92 ''"""'' Bonded Throu h Nat' •.• ' Application Approved By:----------,--;}~~S. ___________ _ Date: Permit Officer .... Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: A if Arr>e r, LG-.. /([(__ Business Address: 12..55-o .N_W ger 5t CJ>ru I J'D()II~ vi 33o<o~ License #: ( 'I1C I X I 34 3v ~ ~ Es!imated Construction Value: 5/C>u. 60 Phone#: C64. 255 ·03 ~// J / Notif~atigp-{-mail: Qualifier Signature: .0/k#M£/W/ Print Name: The focegolng lnstcumentJ:~:&no~edgoi befo~ ~1 doy of ~ ,200 ,by the obove nomed pecson who is personally known to me or who produced . , ~tr/1 -A. L4 ..asJ.deJ:Uifkati.o~lw di.d. ilid not take an oath Nota'Y :w My Commission hplce" ' ,,·~~:'~'~·-, JENifER PALLOM ~ • ["[~:~ Notary Public • State of Florida ~ ~ • ~·; : •§ My Comm. Expires Dec 19,2013 ~ ~~: · :-QY Commission # DD 945192 LaJt.:pii(fontractor: 111111Hl\\ Bonded Tnrougn NatJOnal,iotary A~sn. Bu ness Address: Lic~se #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License#: Estimated Construction Value: Phone#: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: City of Parkland Building Division 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Phone 954-753-5447 Fax 954-753-8838 AIC & Mechanical Replacement Information This form and ARI Listing must accompany each permit application for the replacement of Air Conditioning or Mechanical Equipment. Please supply a separate data sheet for each Unit being replaced. Contractor t41 ( AJne (7 ( 0-I( /C Permit Number ------- Job Address It ¥Y + /VW U 9 p/ full 1Lo1L[ Lot 3_ Block Jj_ Subdivision y I e r1:Y) /3C, ¥ c 4Jf OLD UNIT DATA NEW UNIT (LheeYYl Manufacturer Trc__,ne_ t D!t'J A ~oADI C.U. Model# L(lf(3i./{1::!. ]~ f_ PH (..II ""TO~ A.H.U. Model# TRfYl~G3u -Package Unit Model # __!:.~- J{.p EERISEER Jl.p ~ ARI Reference Number 5u-:)3d?_ '6'" KWHeat "?" 21JL Nominal Tons Lll L ....--.. 5 J Max Fuse I Breaker so ~=-..:;> NO Thermostat (YE_V_ NO YES ( NO.../ Smoke Detector YES (NO) YES C'NG:> Heat Recovery YES (NO"> YES c:m:D Modify Ducts YES (RQ2 YES &reV Stand I Curb I Slab YES {Nb"J ********************** Change Djsconnect YES 6ID.:) _, *******************~1 Ne~d Ladder_~' or Ins_pe-ction YES ~ Package Unit -1-IH .Akliscella,feou!i ll{ectric Package Unit -1 -1 - Contractor Signature /;j I/ A/\ /J 1/ /A/ iWo {/ , c[; u ,s . ., State License I Regi on fk' l ~ ~DOlt; Date -' Broward County Certificate of Competency---------=-------- Application Approved by: --------=-·,.,~:::....· -~=~,..__ ______ 2.........:_-_S'_.,_\.:....:J.=---- (7 Rev. 1/09 -Pfr wrightsoft® Project Summary Entire House Air America AIC 12550 NW 39th Street, Coral Springs, FL 33065 Job: Date: By: Pro·ect Information For: Robert I Sonia Meadows I Andrew & Ilene Fairchild 11847 NW 69 Place, Parkland, FL 33076 Notes: Desi n Information Weather: West Palm Beach, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Outside db 47 oF Inside db 70 oF Design TO 23 oF Heating Summary Structure Ducts Central vent (0 cfm) Humidification Piping Equipment load 13244 4237 0 0 0 17482 Btuh Btuh Btuh Btuh Btuh Btuh Infiltration Method Construction quality Fireplaces Area (ft2 ) Volume (ft3 ) Air changes/hour Equiv. AVF (cfm) Heating 1240 9920 0.45 74 Simplified Average 0 Cooling 1240 9920 0.23 38 Heating Equipment Summary Make Trade Model AHRI ref Efficiency Heating 1nput Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 100 EFF 4.8 kW 16542 Btuh 13 °F 1150 cfm 0.066 cfm/Btuh 0 in H20 Summer Design Conditions Outside db 90 oF Inside db 75 °F Design TO 15 oF Daily range L Relative numidity 50 % Moisture difference 59 gr/lb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 16939 Btuh Ducts 6832 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's data Rate/swing multiplier Equipment sensible load n 0.95 22583 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure Ducts Central vent (0 cfm) Equipment latent load Equipment total load 1520 Btuh 1785 Btuh 0 Btuh 3306 Btuh Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 25889 Btuh 2.7 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make Trane Trade XB14 Cond 4TTB4030E1 Coil *AM7AOB30H21 AHRI ref 4385317 Efficiency Sensible cooling Latent cooling Total cooling Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure 13.0 EER, 16 SEER 20720 8880 29600 1150 0.048 Load sensible heat ratio 0 0.88 Btuh Btuh Btuh cfm cfm/Btuh in H20 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. ~ -+-Wrightsoft• Right-Suite® Universal201212.0.13 RSU15372 ACe~~. ... \Wrightsoft HVAC\Meadows, Robert& Sonia (Fairchild, llene).rup Calc= MJ8 Front Door faces: 2013-Feb-01 14:51:49 Page 1 /&.I..IDI .-.. ... il CERTIFIED™ www.ahnd1r ectory.or g This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17, 2009 and Dec 31, 2013. Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 4385317 Date: 2/1/2013 Product: Split System: Air-Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: 4TTB4030E1 Indoor Unit Model Number: *AM7AOB30H21 Manufacturer: TRANE Trade/Brand name: XB14 Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is TRANE Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240-2008 for Unitary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh ): EER Rating (Cooling): SEER Rating (Cooling): 29600 13.00 16.00 "' Ratings followed by an astensk {*) indicate a voluntary rerate of previously published data. unless accompanied with a WAS, which indieates an tnvo!untary rerate DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certir~eate and makes no represen1ations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at www.ahridirectoworg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for individual, personal and confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, in whole or In part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's individual, personal and confidential referer~ee. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The information for the model cited on this certifiCate can be verified at, click on "Verify Certificate" link and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, which is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is listed below. ©2012 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute A:--DI Air-Conditioning, Heating, •• &• and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 130042116033551078 0( 'YI l"Ju I Ct-fiG( h eel +u AIH DUCT INSPECTION AND SEALING· CERTIFICATION As required by the 2010 Florida Energy Code Section Address oflnstall: l(B'Y+ rvvJ t.oct e-' PGi't-lurJJ Manufacturer & Model # of Equipment: Tr0. ne_ '-ITT 13'-1 o$0-L 7 /hn 1/J o 13~ I Permit No.: Contractor Name: tlt'r AThen· c. u-. <fJ/c License#: t t}(j Ji/3 cr3 fa Date Performed: I hereby certify that the ductwork at the above address associated with an HV AC equipment change-out has been inspected and sealed in accordance with the 2010 Florida Energy Code, Section by the following allowable method(s): D Where needed, all existing and accessible ducts (minimum of30 inches clearance) have been sealed using reinforced mastic or a code-approved equivalent. D Ductwork was found to be located within conditioned space where further inspection and . sealing not required. (Exception 1, Section 10 1.4. 7 .1.1) ·. D Ductwork was inspected at time of install and we found that joints or seams were already sealed with an approved fabric and mastic. (Exception 2, Section ~ The duct system was tested and repairs were made as necessary. (Exception 3, Section Duct system tested by (company and/or individu~i) /tl-r IJtvlev,· CJ-'k/ C. ~~ . Printed Name of Authorized Company Representative Date Signed Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of2 HCR OA, OlPAWv.tNT OJ Business & Professional Regulation FloOOa Departm€nt<! BCIS Home I Log In I Usu Regisln!Uon I Hot Topics Submit Surcharge I Stats & Facts Publications I FBC Start I BCIS Sl!a Map I Links I Search Business70 Professi0nal Regulation '*WWMMM • E.".• MAA!O.G(IJENT t OffiCE OF Tt<E SECRE.JAkY • Product Approval USER: Public User Product Approyal Menu > product or A poll cation Search > Aopllcation U$t > AppUcaUon Dlltall FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance M~thod Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code FL14239·R1 Revision 2010 Approved [J BMP International Inc. 4710 28th Street N St. Petersburg, FL 33714 (727) 458-0544 Xlanbln Meng Structural Components Anchors Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer l1l Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Frank L. Bennardo, P.E. PE-0046549 National Accreditation &. Nanagement Institute, 12/31/2013 Ryan J. King, P.E. l1l Validation Checklist -Hardcopy Received EL14239 Rl COl COI.odf Standard ASTM 01761-06 ASTM 01761-88 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL14239 Rl Egulv Egulv.odf hi!r 2006 2000 _app _ dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquDEJErtOSCei... 4/26/2012 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of2 Product Approval f\lethod Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved summary of. Products f\lethod 1 Option D 09/29/2011 12/13/2011 12/18/2011 01/31/2012 FL# I Model Number or Name Description 14239.1 ~~lotted Steel Tie-Down Clips, 1 n Steel ne-Down Clip system (For Use with Mechanical and 2• f.lodels Units at Roof or Grade) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL14239 R1 II Dwg.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verlned By: FrankL. Bennardo, P.E. 0046549 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: This design provides allowable capacities for the FL14239 Rl AE Eval.pdf system. The required slte-speclflc design pressure Created by Independent Third Party: Yes (demand) shall be calculated by others for use with this design. Back Next ~:: 1940 North ~~onroe Strut. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone• 850·487·1824 The State of Flortda Is an AA/EEO employer. CQpydght 2007-2010 State: of florida :: Prlvacv Statement:: Accessibility Statgment ::Refund Statement Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions regarding DBPR's ADA web accessibility, please contact our Web t-1aster at webmaster®dbpr state flus. Product Approval Accepts: r=lliii~E dNort~ \!Jsr_c:_uil~-o) P.."' .. u"JbyVtrilJt" ; ' .. 4/26/2012 ENGINEERING EXPRESS0 Product Evaluation Report November 4, 2011 Application Number: FL #14239 FLB Project Number: 11-BMP-0001-01 Product Manufacturer: BMP International Manufacturer Address: 4710 28th Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33714 Product Name: Slotted Steel Tie-Down Clips, 1" and 2" Models Product Description: Steel Tie-Down Clip System (For Use with Mechanical Units at Roof or Grade) Scope of Evaluation: This Product Evaluation Report Is being issued In accordance with the requirements of the Florida Department of Community Affairs (Florida Building Commission) Rule Chapter 9N-3.005, F.A.C., for statewide acceptance per Method 1(d). The product noted above has been tested and/or evaluated as summarized herein to show compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code and Is, for the purpose intended, at least equivalent to that required by the Code. Re-evaluation of this product shall be required following pertinent Florida Building Code modifications or revisions. Substantiating Data: • PRODUCT EVALUATION DOCUMENTS FLB drawing #11-BMP-0001-01 titled "Mechanical Unit Steel Tie-Down Clip Capacities: At-Grade and Roof-Top Mounted Applications", sheets 1-4, prepared by Engineering Express, signed & sealed by Frank L. Bennardo, P.E. Is an Integral part of this Evaluation Report. • STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS Structural engineering calculations have been prepared which evaluate the product based on comparative and/or rational analysis to qualify the following design criteria: 1. Maximum Allowable Unit Wind Pressures 2. Minimum Allowable Unit Width 3. Maximum Allowable Unit Height 4. Minimum Unit Weight 5. Maximum Allowable Unit Surface Area 6. Clip Configuration and Anchor Spacing 7. Anchor Capacity for Various Substrates 160 SW 12TH AVENUE # 106 DEERFIELD BEACH, Fl 33442 PHONE: 954-354·0660 FAX: 954·354-0443 WWW.ENGEXP,CON -:~--:-,·~~~~~~lNG ··· · BMP INTERNATIONAL-SLOITED STEEL TIEDOWN CLIPS 1 "/2" November 4, 2011 Pagel of2 8. Maximum Allowable Additional Uplift per Clip In Combination with Lateral Forces (For Use with Rooftop Applications) No 33% Increase In allowable stress has been used In the design of this product. Impact Resistance: Not applicable to this product Wind Load Resistance This product has been designed to resist wind loads as Indicated In the design schedule(s) on the Product Evaluation Document (I.e. engineering drawing). Installation The product listed above shall be Installed In strict compliance with the Product Evaluation Document (i.e. engineering drawing), along with all components noted therein. The product components shall be of the material specified In the Product Evaluation Document (I.e. engineering drawing). Limitations & Conditions of Use: Use of this product shall be In strict accordance with the Product Evaluation Document (i.e. engineering drawing) as noted herein. All supporting host structures shall be designed to resist all superimposed loads and shall be of a material listed In this producrs respective anchor schedule. Host structure conditions which are not accounted for In this product's respective anchor schedule shall be designed for on a site-specific basis by a registered professional engineer. All components which are permanently Installed shall be protected against corrosion, contamination, and other such damage at all limes. This product has been designed for use within the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). 160 sw 12TH AVfHUE # 106 DfERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 PHONE: 954-354-0660 FAX: 954-354-0443 WWW.ENGEXP,COH I i r BMP. INTERNATIONAL, INC. MECHANICAL UNIT STEEL TIE-DOWN CUP CAPACITIES: AT GRADE & ROOF-TOP MOUNTED APPUCATIONS / .. ·......... ~=:~~· GENERAL NOTES: •• / '· ..... .._ I'!R Sl!rARATE 2.. THIS I'M10IJCT HilS llel!lf OI!SIGM!D NffJ S1W.L 1!! FAIIIIICATI!D IN /' 1 ••••• CI!IITti'ICATION, TYI'.. I\CCCIU),VjQ!wrTifllti!IIEQimti!Mt!KTSOfT!!!2010fLOIUI)ot.IIUIJJ)ING tCI!HT1!JI or GMYr!Y ~ ,/ • ........... CODe. I'OR 1151! WITitiN AND OUTSIDe Till! HIGH \IILOCITY H1J1WCAH1! ZONf. ASSIM!DTON:rATTitl! . // ··-....._ 2. N03:Jo2~INO!ASEINALLOWAIIU!ST112SSHASIM!!NUS!DIN'THE • ..,. •• ',1 MKIWIICAI. Ulll1: ..., / • 3. D!SIGN IS BASI!D ON CIJ!HT l'ltOVIDI!D l'ltODUcr AND Dl~ SI1UTS fROM TEST Z 1"1' Kl Q ~ lil f of! G!OMmt!CQ!NRIIOI'Titl! i ~· '·-.... D!SIGNOI'1HISSYS'ml, 1fi ~,..-•0: 1! Mm!AN!CAI. UNIT MUST IIi ' 1 · I M!I'OIITS !JJ:IJ!!, !IR!. 01970:1!178 11Y 11!STIJtG evAUJ.O.lJON -~ ::: "' Cl ~.: SQUAll!! OIIIU!CTANGUIAA, ~ ;z; .............. I tceNTI!R 0~ / I LAIIOIIA~. INC.. NO SuesTmmoHS WITHOUT WIUTTI!N -~OVAL IIY 1!1 n: ~ ~ I z ~ ,. NO IM!GIMA SHAP!S. Ml;:>; '-..... GAAvnY/ THIS ~GINW. 5ltALL Ill! I'EJOOmD, ZX :< "! ~ "';z: -...... ~· ~·· •· ALLOWABU!D!SIGNressut~BTOQIMUI'YCAr~OI'CLifSAS USTI!D WIJ.i ,..9 ~ ~ i!; ~ ......_, HeiWN M! DI!TI!RM!Nm THIIDUGII TI!SllNG Rl!POI\T DATA AND IU.llONALLV ;: !!l"' !;: ![~ -...., OII!CICI!DI'ORCDNSlSTI!NC\'wmt 1!1\CHTI!STI't!~. rl"'l:!i' .--' ., 5. ReQUIII!D LATI!IU.I. AND{OII UI'UI'T D!SIGN ~!S CAI.CULATI!D I'OR US~ o ., -~I= "1' WTTH THIS SYSml SIW.L B~ DmltMINeD IIY Dn-m1$ ON A SITI!•SPreii'IC !2l!l !f ~ :lf ~ ..... .., ..., DAS!S IN ACCOitOANC! wmt THI!! GOYI!ItNIHG CODE. < "' . 6. MAXIMUM • M1NIMUM DIMINSIONS NffJ MINIMI.M WI!IGHT 01' HI!OWIICAI. ~~ /' ~ ' UNIT 5ltALL CDNI'DIIM TO SP!CIFICAllDNS STATI!D HrutN. ALL MeOWIK:Al _. _. '· S'fC!I'ICAllDNS (CU!AR SfACI!, TONNAGI!, eTC.) SI!AU.IM! AS PU _.---......__;, I ~ _. -AC!\JR!It ~!COMMI!NDATIDNS AND AA~ THe-~ ~ESPONSISIUTV • , · or M CDIITIIACTDR. r·-..., .. " · l 1 ?. rASTI!N!!~TOB! '12X!I"OIIGRI!ATERSAI!GMDI!51JNU!SSNOTI!D I 3" MAX~·31, DTH9WISI!. TAI'CONS RmltRI!D TO HI!IU!IN SIW.L a~ tTW IIUILDI!X e~ .... TYI'. •• . ·...... CMeON STI!!l ONlY,INSTAU!O TO 31'2 kSJ MIN COHCRm.. 51!1! AN010R' '·..,-.../.._fl '·.., -J ''"'. SCH!DtU POk ANCttOk 11t!QUtR!M!NTS. ALL P'AS'I'!HERS SHALL HAY! HOSTSIIIUCIIJR~DI!SIGNIIVOTHI!ItS._/ -··1... ··~, ·' ·-....__ ~/ • , Al'PitOI'IUATI!COMOSIONI'ROTI!CTIONTO~NTB.!Cl'ltOlVSIS. S!!lle.oowN SOBUU!S PDit '·.... ' .... J6o._t .... ,.. 11,, • t:¢-~ ...-_../" e. Ati.STI!I!l ar.; 51tAU.Illi ASTH A2n STI!I!l(GRADe D) wmt..,. :niCS! DR ALLOWAaE SIJBSTRAT!S. !!!!If: WOOD ·-..~'· .... ,v-r ''-..-t "> ,,..... /.# . 4:1 Blm!ll. ALL ST!!l H1!MIOS SHALL Be l'ltOTI!<:TfO AGAINST C0A1t0S10N WITH HI!MDI!ItS HAY NOr Ill! US!D fOR '-..: ' /..T / -$>v;._'i.<:J"-N4 mftOII!D Cl)ot.T 01' I'AINT, I!NAHa OR OTHI!Jt ~ I'IIOTI!CTJON 1H ROO!'· TOP APPUCATIDNS PUI'IIC 1522. ···-.... · 3" MAX ,.·.;,:~~ ';ft' ACCOIICI.NQ! WITH THI! 20:0 I'I!C S!CTIDNS 2203.2 AND 2220. c;,o..~TI!D '~, ··, "-.. 3~ MAX , / TYP. ,• / ~"''dJ' COATING R!QUIIU!D I'OR AU. COASTAL INSTALLATIONS. DOUBLE CUP OPTION• -... "'-.: ,.TVP,..o/ ~/ '1.~ g, ALLCDNWTI!~HmiNISNOTPMTOI'THISQ!IO'IPICAllON.ASA u z ~ --: a ~ ~H.J ~ Zo.., .... ~ 01"'&!:(: i!! "' ;:; s .. ~ ;f s ! (2) TOTAL curs MAY~ US1!D AT~ C011H!R (ON!! 1!1\CH ON -......,~ /' SHALL HAY! HINIMI.M ~SSM ~NGTH Or 3292 I'SI, IJNU!SS NOTI!D , -...,.. ::r: / ~,; MINIMUM, ALL CONCJtm SHIIU. ·~ STRUCI\JRAL CONcii!TI! 4" MIN. THICK AND Ol'fOSIIIG COitN!I\ f~, 3"1'ROM CDMS folfX. TOTAl OF ZE 1 CUP" AT EACH CORNER OM~I!. I (I) CUI'S I'!R UNIT I'Dtt THIS Of'TIOII). I!ACif CUP SMALL NOT ......... / ~WITH 3" MAX OI'FSEI' tO. ALL WOOD ~ 5ltALL Ill! l'lti!SSURe ~TI!D SOUTICitN Y!lLOW PINE <( i~~ ~ z~~~ t: "' 0:: "' '::' 5 Iii Wo £"' C! 1-;::" () Cl z"'"' ~ o ~ 11XCUD 3" MAX OI'I'S!T l'lt<lM !NO 01' H1!CHAN1CA1, UNIT AS OM !NO 01' HfOWIICAL UNIT GRAD!! •2 WITif 5l't!CIFIC GRAYr!Y G • 0.55 OR GAJ!ATI!It. Dill= S D!TAIL!O ~R!IN DO NOT SPACI!! CONCitm AIIOIOilS ~ ' ~TO WOOD M~ IS NOT I'!IIHITTI!D I'Dtt ltODr·TOP 0 THNITHe ALLoMo SPACING liSTI!O If Till! TI!·DOWN MECHANICAL UNIT APPI.ICA'IIONS l't!RI'IIC 2CTIOH1S22 .. r ANOtOII SOElUU!S S~~ 5HRTS 2113 POR MORE 8:1 12. Till! COIITitACTOR IS IU!SI'ONSII!U! TO INSUU\~ ALL MeMI!I!IIS 1'1tDH INI'DRHAllON • ~ TIE-DOWN ISOMETRIC DISSIMilAR MATEIIIAI.S TO PRl!V!NT ELI!CTIIOI.VSIS, r.r. AWMJNUM ~u.e.c. • 2003.t.4, i 1 1" • 1'.()" ISOMETRIC 12. =ICAI.GitOUND, W1!e1 UQUIII!D, TOI!li!D!SIGN!DII INSTALL!DIIY g 'fOil ClARITY, THIS ISOHI!TRIC ONLY SHOWS 1" C.lfS, ~ ISOHI!TRIC 13, THI! ~ 01' ANY I!XISTING STIUJC:TUR~ TO WITI!STNID SUI'!RIHP'OS!O I lAYOUT IS TYI'K:Al fOft DOTH 1" ANO 2" Cl1r APPUCAllONS. T CLifS LOADS SHALl Ill! YEIUI'I!D DV THI! DNSITI! ~GN l'ltOflSSIONAI.. ANO IS NOT ~ NOT ~lll'lm fOR AI'ICHOIIAG! TO COHCIIETE. INCI.UDI:D IN THIS a!R'Ili'JCATION. ~c:a>T AS !XI'It!SSlY I'IIOYIDI!D H!~I!IN NO ADDITIOIW. CEitTIFICA'IIONS 011 Affi!IHI.llDNS Alii! IHTlNOED. ' TIE-DOWN CLIP DIRECTIVE EXAMPLE 14• ;';~~~~,:~~s~~~~':'s~~ .. o" (TH! I'OU.OWI~ l!lWti'U! IUUSTIIATI!S 1H1! "'DC!OUOI! !ISm TD Den"MIN! THe MAXIMUM AU.OW~ WlliD l'ftlSSUII! ,OIIN<t GM:N HOOW<ICALU!frrTHAT CDNI'OftMS TO Ttl! TH~ CONDITIONS DI!TAJU!D H!lt!IH, A UQ!NS!D ENG!Im!~ OIIIIEGIST!Itm DIMeNSION ~ Lr.mD III!IU!!N. Sle SII!!TS Dl POR ntoOOWN 5CHeDI.US..) AROtiTI!CT Stw.l.l'lt!f~ STTI! SI'I!CinC OCJCIMINTS fOil US! IN CONJ\ftCTION WITH THIS DOCUMeNT. MECHANICAL UNrr CRITERIA: 15. WATI!R·llGKllleSS Of I!XISTING HOST SIJeSTIU.TE SHAll. Ill! TH! I'UU. I CONSIOCil '1M! INSTAUA110N Of' (I) H!CIWIICAI.IJIIIT wmf nt1! rou.DWING WT!Itll.oo ~S!DIUTV OfT!!! INSTAlliNG CONrltACTOR. CDNTIU.CT~ SHAll 36"TAU.• Jt• OCI!I'• 2•'WIOC,150 UllmGHT ASvtlllfleD ll'f<meS.INSTAW!DTO 3192 kSI-. CONCR!T!~AS vtftll'la> IIYOTH<IIS. ENSIIIIE TKt.T ANVIt!MOY!D ~ ALT!Itm WA'mll'ltOOI'ING -IS PROCEDURE: =-~~":==~=0::'~~ PltOPOS!D u -·-·-· W4119ll'ltOOI'INGOftli!AJCAG!ISSU!SWHICHIIAYOCCUitAS ftROCIDURI ...... lti:IUI.T ] LOc:AnnteAT GMOe TJe.bOWH SOII!DULI! ON SHfeT 2 AND DmRMIHt LAACZST tAte MEA Of' HI!Q -~ M.UIMUNUIIlf ~ HIN\M{IM--OHff --~ ------Ci.JPTYP'I!i ~ ltMINI rNMae~ 01 CUrs TO 6! U5!D AflAC:H~OF THi! Hi!OiNUCAL uNrr CONSJOe-ll rSt't!L cu .. ~ lifJT H!.IGHT IS 36* WHl~_ISilSS ~n:te-~MUH AU.OW~ He~T9! 4a• TO WATI!~-ll~ SMALL BETH~ FlJU. R~PONSlBIUTVOI'TIII! INSTAlliNG CDNTRIICTOR. ..... g &! a. z: :::E co llilf •i 1•2 dl !Ji ·~~ I ' llil.l.l.l.irrl CIPnWiN'I""'*L.·NNCIOP.I. 11-BMP-0001 =-~cic:JtMIJ 01 ~ CDNCW".dON: ~ AWIWAIILI! LATI!IULD!!SIGN POeSSUII!• ~ ll J ~ ~ !i':'~~ I'AI.W70 Till! SD'MAn' sm! :5n!C1f1C -ED oe:1GN W111D I'R.I!SS!m! l'fi(MD8J 8Y A IXDi"..rD I!NGtltt!t~ 011 MCISmU!O A1<0I1Ttcr; NOT INCLUDI!D IN THIS 1l ~ !!I j i' i !i u 1• STEEL CLIP TIE-DOWN SCHEDULE: AT GRADE INSTALLATIONS: -SI.IftPACI! 121 aJPS AT EAOI ...... NI1!A OF IHTS LMOESHACI! UNIT HI!IGHT I'~ SHEET MEl' AI. SCREW I SH!ET III!TALSCIII!W I wooo SCREW '10 '10 ALUMIHUM '10 ST!!L. WOOD TAPCOII'IO CONCRETE SHEETIETAI. SCIIEW'IO ALUW«.t.. SHI!I!T III!TAL I wooo SCft6Y '10 SCMW'IO mEl. WOOD ·1-I ·1-I 81 PSF 11 I'SF 11 PSF 4B"IWC I :u~-I ~ I <IOPSF <IO·I'SF 481'SF .J_ !'10 PSF 30 I'SF 30 PSF """100'iiSF """iOO'PSF 771'SF ~ CI'SF ~ 3iPiF ~ ;sF 3i 33 ~: ~a::m~=:=~~~c:-wmf (3,...12 SAEGIIADE SSHm"MeTAI.SCUWS. ((S)-5ltm"MI!TAI.satrw!:R!QUIII!DI'Citi.OHCCUPS,!:ei!DI!I"Al1.1/4.) 2.1, ~HOUSING UNITS SHALL II! IM3-T6 -· AI.IJHIIIIIHSHel"WITM PIV-30 ICSJ, U25" HilL THIOa<!5S. 2.2. STUI.ItOIJStNG UIIITS 511AU.II! 3li<SI MIN. STm, GMD! 33, 22GA ..... (toO.II:IW), 3. MIUCMJM AU.OWMI.I W£HD I'MSSUIU!SI'OII rA01 I!OOMDUAL.SUISTIIATe MAYO! l!qUMIIJ!CT OIJt! TOTHellMITINGCMOaTYO.THr1" Q.!P, 4. A --AUOWAIIL.f VALU!Clf 100 1'$1' HAS la!IIIJTIUZtD; POit ti!GH!R DeWID C..ACITI!S CONTACT TillS~ fORSITl!-sPI!Cil'lC EHGINI!!fti!IC. ANCHOR SCHEDULE: -'11! ~= (.-'IKIOC IIIII. 31t2KSIIII!f.) ANOIOII (1)-ll .. CAMON STm.ITWIUII.llt!XTAI'CCII, ~~·-ruu. EMICO TO CXJHCOeTr, 2ll" 11110. I!DG.! DISTAHa, 3" HIN. SPACING TO Ntt All~ ANCHOII. !!!2:!9.! l!CH!!!U!.•!!OI!!S• _j_£ 'SF ~= I (1)-f14 SA!-5 Slm!TH!TALSCitt!WTD~.I'ItOIIIIll! (5) PliiOtt!S lllt'l. (0,125" Ml!l,llfiCK, SKI·Te-. "'-"""""') •ASTTIII!fAD ~ I'OkSH!!TMeTAL50ew, L eMBrDMarr AND II!:DGI! omANC::e txa.uOt:S mttSHI!S, u APPIJCAlM.!. 2. eNSURe MINIMUM roGE DISTANCI! AS NOTeD IN ANCHOit SCH!!DUIL ST!!L: (UlS" -· 'IIIIa, 33 ICSIIIIIO. Slftl.) (1,...14 SAI!tiWlt!S SH!UM~AI.SCiti!WTDSTei!I,.I'OOVIDe (5) PliiOII!SMIN.PASr 1IIIWoD PWOt:I'Ok SMII!1' H!TAL SQI5, WIL!OWOOD: I (1,...14SAI!GMD!5WOODSCitt!WTOWOODHI!MIII!tO,.I'IIOVID!Ili"IIIN.TH11eAD ,(SOUI'ItPH 'mi.OW PlH!, G-0.$$ OR I!Tml) P!lllm!ATION. I" Hill. WGI! OISTANCE. 1" MIN. I!HD DISTANCE. 2• STEEL CLIP TIE-DOWN SCHEDULE: AT GRADE. INSTALLATIONS: TArn.e tt:egm: c=:;. -DeNOTeS I!XAHI'U! YAW! !'Ott US! WITH CXlV!It I'AGI! DlltiCTM! ~ ·OOIOTOS VAUJ!!!; NOT Al'riiOY!D l'llft US!! MAXIMUM ALLOWAIU LATIRAL wtND MESSUit2 (ANOIOR TO HOST STRUCl'UR.I! IWCII!UI1 SUIIFACI! \IMT UIIIT (i) a.IP AT !ACit COMER WJ\1. 0. 4 CLIPS ~R Ull11 2 CI.JPS AT EACH CORNER OTAL Of I QJ'5 P!R Nt!A 00 UNITS H1!1GHT Wllml Slii!!T _.._ SCiti!W SteT Mfl'M. SCREW wooo SCitt!W "II) SHeTMETAL LAAC:!STFAa! SCiti!WTO TOALIHMJM "IOSTm. WOOD At.-... • IOOI'Sf 1001'51' 1001'51' 1001'51' 8FT' 1001'Sf IOOI'Sf 1001'$1' IDO 1'50' DFT' 48 "HAX 24 •MIN 671'Sf G7PSf 67PSf 100 .... 1 I'T' so ... SOI'SI' 501'51' MI'SI' 14FT' 381'51' 311'Sf 38.., 74 PSf 201'T' 411'51' 4li'SF 41 PSF eo I'Sf GO"HAX .. I!I.Mitf 33P5f l3,., lli'SI' ..... 301'T' 2>PSF 27PSf 27PSP 53J'SI' 30FT' 44PSF 1. Tlf·DOWN CUPS Stw.l. ae PASTefteO TO M!CHA.NICAL ttOUSiffG Uff1T WnH (3,_.12 SA!! CRAOe 5 SHt'!T M!TAL sa!WS. 2. M<OWIICAI. HOUSIIIC \IMTSHALLCIIHFitltM TOTH! I'OUOWINCI: 2.1. At.UMlNUM HOUSiJHG tJNJTS: SHAU. B! &OI]..TI MIN. AU1tVNUH SH!!T WITH Fty•JO KSL 0.12s-MIN. THtOCNeSS. 2.2. Sl'l!!l. H0US111G IJIIITS SHALl. II! 33ICSI MIN. SY!t!l. c:AADI! 33. 22GA MIH. (t-0.02W). 3, A MAXIMUM NJ.aWMJI.Z YAI.Ut! M !DO PSF HAS Dmf IITil.mD: I'Ok HlGitl!tt Dt!t'WID ~ACITJI!S CDHTACTT>fiS ~ 1'011 SITe-SPl!Cit'lC ENCINI!J!IUNG. ANCHOR SCHEDULE: SHffTMfTAL WOOO Sattw TO SCft!W' TO ST!EL WOOD IDO PSF 110 PSI' 100 PSF 100 PSF IDO PSF IDO PSf !IHSF ..... 74 P$F 74 PSf 80 PSF ..... 6o4 PSF ... PSf 5li'SF 53PSF 44I'SI' ..... s.snun · I ANOKHl 1 ANQtQR SCHeDOI.~ NOT!S: 1DOI'SF -;s;;-•• 37 S1 :-i" '!! AWMIIIUM: (2)-fl4 Sill! GRAD!: S SHeeT HI!TAI. SCiti!W TO~. '"OVIDI! (5) !'INCHES MIH, •ASTII' I:MIImM!JIT AND I!DGI! DISTANCI! !XO.UDI!S I'IIIISH!S, 11 AmJCAOU!. /! (0.125" 1111<.1111CX, -loTI MW. ~ l>llfAD 'LANE roo. SHUT MI!TAI. SQt!W, 1 2. I!NSIJ!te MINIMUM t!DCl DISTANCE AS NOm> IN NICHOl< SOil! DUlL u ~ ~ .. ~ ~H ... ~~ zl!f"'-~ ~ 0~11!~ ~ .. ~~i~m ~ zus ~ ~ ffi:;H"' ~ 1-;;:" g C! ~·~ ~ g Q. >: ~ co 1llllrr. ~ ~.. •U • I•= h ... dl h .... 'lti IlL ..... •h i!• ill CCI'I*:MI',..,.L--...oi'.L 11-BMP-0001 KA&.Ir N,l.ll. 101 ,.. D!IS!'mot!' ! Sl'I!R: (2)-.14 SAl! GtW>! S SttaT METAL SO!W TO Sl'l!t!l. PtiOYIDe ($) PI NOte; MIN. • (0.12S"IIIIO.THICX,33!CSI-.sml.) nvAOI'Wti!I'CitSHI!I!THFrALSCMW. TAD~~: __ • 5eAI.tD WOOD, 1•l/2" -'IHICICNe$5: (2,...1. -GtW>! 5 WOOD SCiti!W TO WOOD MI:Mellt. PIIOV!DI! IIi" MIN. TliUAD I . . II I'"·:... ~ ksoUi>tiJUc Ylu.ow 1'11111. GoO.S$ Olt l!m"!ll) ~HETAATlON, I" MIN, IOGI! DISTANCE, I" ...... fHO DISTANC!!. ~ ·DENOT!S YAWl!$ NOT .-oYe0 FOil USE JJ ~ ~; !: ! I i i, ~ il I~ II 1•STEELCUP IIWCIMUM I!UII'ACI! NV!AOftMlS I.MGEST FACE UNIT -,g•w.x eo•w.x 1. TIE•DOWII CUI'S SH.W.II! f~ TO H!CHAIOICAI.HOUSIJIG UNIT WITH (3)•112 SA& GMOt! 5 Slti!ET MI!TALSCR!WS, ((5]-SHW METAL SCR!WS lteQUIIU!O I'Oil LONG CUPS, 5!1! DI!TAII.I/4.) -~~,.,.,. .la'SWIA1'JOIII$.5111&&, O')WIOiWf J0 l'tOUIM .....W:CIOOf' Mt:TIOIII-(ND 1m 11M HtMZJ M«H MIOI*D ,.,_, lfOIIItiF'e~CMJS-#CIIIIrfiDON O..SMaiiDA IIIIIMtMOI'. JlifOiaMOWW!l' IIODI'~ 0111' ...,..IIOOniCIHIUIAINS rntiiO MIIUt1H f1W &fti'J;IJIIIWIIm ~JUili'OIIrrJ',.,._A,...,., ~,.,.,,~Mnt JI'OJOir lllfNIQ'Qit .IIAl CII'M....-..: ca.JO/WIIflr~~NIQQf H4oWNMWCI~m. _,.,......,..,.M'ICIM 0111 llllfOMtmll.UntWntf P'8~ -.u lll/lllf~~WU'JIIIIG J1nN1c1W MID II Clll.lmDt mt M:A:JIIra-JMS ...,..,.,_, 2. lti!CIWIICAI. HOUSIHG UNIT SHOll. COIOrON'1 TO THI!I'CI.I.OWIIIG: 2.1. AWM1NUM HOUSINCa UNrTS !HALL I! 6Ml•T& MIN. AI..UMDIUJ4 SH!EY'wmt r:ty-30 KSI. 0..125"' MrH. '111ICJCN!SS. 2.2. STftl. HOUSING UlllTS SIW.L Dli 33ICSIIIIH. STm., GIWll! XI, 22GA H.,_ (t-o.o:tt"). ADDITIONAL ALLOWABLE UPLIFT: 90 LBS/CLIP (DeSIGN TAke ~T!S MAX !101.1/CUI' AS ADOITIONAi. '-"LLfT IN CCMUIATIOH WITH uotnCAUSm aY~ PltOM LATEIW. I'OIICES. S!l! ASCI! 7•10 secnoM 2'-5 I'OilMOIIE INI'ORI!ATIOII,) 3. IWClMUII AUOWA8U! ,_ I'IU!SSUOI!S 1'01!. !ACH IM>MOIIAI.sutiSTIIATI! ""y II! eQIIIVAI.I!If'T DUE TO Tlfl! IJitiTING C/V'ACITY Of 'IME I' a.JP, A f!MXIMUIII AUOWAIII.! VAU11! Of' 100 PSI" HAS DI!'!N Ln'JU%1!0: fOR HrG:Heft DeMAND CAPAcmts COII'tN:'fTHIS eNGINak FOft. SI'Tt·5n.OP'IC -ANCHOR SCHEDULE: IUNTMTI I AJ1tCN0R CONCIIETI!: 1 Cl)oii"JJGW!ON srm.nw IUII.OEXTN'CDN,Ili"PUU.~ TO CllNCIIrn!o ~·111N. (4" 11IICK MIN, 31t2JCSIMM.) I!OGe DISTAIICI!, 3' MIN, 51' ACING TO ANt AOJACI!In' loNOIOII. -I (1)-1 14 SAl! GIWll! 5 Sl1ftl'lt!TAL SCIII!W TO AlUMINUM, I'IIOIIIDI! (S) I'INCHI!S 111N. (0-125" MIN. THJCI(, 1061•TS -· AI.IIMIIM'I) I'OS1'1>tiii!ADI'IAM 1'011 Sl1ftT METAL SCit!W. 5Tftl: I (1)-114 SAE GliAOU SHI!Irr lt!TAL 5CIU!W TO STe!t, '""""'E (5) IIIHCHESitiN. •AST (1.125" MIN. TltiCX, 33ICSI MIN. STm) -I'LAH!t 1'011. SH!!I' METAl SQU!W, 1. ~ AIIOIDGE DIST.r.Hee I!XCWili!S I'INISHI!S. 'U »>''..CAIIIL 2. EJI5UIIE 1111111W11 EDGE DISTANC! AS NO'I!D Ill NICHOitSOteCUL!. I ~C:::t::t'1s~~:_.~ I !XAMP'Le: 4 aJP$ X 90 t.8fCUP' •l«<UU (lfi!Qflf1lm-DI!HNID SHW. ~ «TJ!!!Hmt!D ON A SlTf !ll'«mC MSIS IW I.1CDtSm DfCIN«<I OR /U!QSff~NfCHrm:r; NOT 1NOJJDi!D IN TH1S tZJrrlFIO.T10N) TAIIU! LI!CI!NO: li!'lillill!i!l •JlEI'IOrn; VAI.UES NOT AmlMO 1'011 USE 2• STEEL CLIP TIE-DOWN SCHEDULE: ROOF-TOP MOUNTED INSTALLATIONS: I I I I MAXIMUMAIJ.OWADI.!LAT-.WINO~(-""CHCH\TOIIOSTSTRUCII!W I MAXIIUISURfAC£ MJAOI'UNITS lAitCEST PAC!! ..:,. I .=. I v••· j4B"MAX I 24"11"'1 ..,.,, I ,..,, I ·-= I ,..,..,.. I ·-4lP'SF <412PSf' 82PS1 82f'SF -· ... ... _ _. #. -~ ~-I ~,.,-IIO""MAX 1 .-a·Mm 1. TIE•DDWII am; .wL DE FASTEH!D TO HeOIAIOICAI.HOUSING UlftTWITH (3)-1 12 SA~ GIOACI! 5 Sift!' MI!TAL SOtfWS. 2. M'OW<ICAI. HDU5110G UNIT SHALL CONI'04IIt TD THE POli.OWING: 2.1. A1.U10M1 ttOU:liiiG UNITS SWILl. Dli ~T6 MIN. AI.UMIIIUM Slim' WITH 1'\yw:IO ICSt, 0,125" -· 'IH!C<NI!SS. 2.2. SJUI.ItCIU$JNG UOIITS SHALL De 331CS11UN, Sltl!l, GMDI! 33, 22GA MIN. (tw0.02901 3. A MAXIMUM AUOWAkl! YAI.W! 01' 110 PSI' HAS K1!N tmi.IZED: FO~ HIG!ml OOWIO CAI'ACimS CDHTACI' TH1S I!NGIHfi!R FOR strM~Jtanc eNGIII&IUNC. ANCHOR SCHEDULE: ..sTMTI I ANCHOR ~: j (2)-114 WGIIAD!! 5-METALSCAEWTDAI.UMINUM, 1'110\/!De (5) I'INOIESMIN. D.125" Hill, THI0<,'061·T6 H!N,ALUMIIIUM .ASTT!MrAD I'LANI!I'OilS!eTMETALSCRl!W, sna.: 1 C2>-••• WGIW>e SSHm METALSCit!WTO smn.. PttOYIOI! cs> .,NOtfS "'"·PAST (0,125" MIN, THICX, 33 ICS1 -· S'lla) THA!AD I'LAHt! 1'011 SHaT M..-AL SCREW. "lltfrf:llOQI'Y'CIIt~'""'(CJIW'QIIH 70 n.DQM ..,....QXIrr«:ntJJt,., ,._., lln..O.IWHIJ""""'~'*TIKKJI' ifOIJiitrDHfOWfle'At lllrrSM HOMMI Olf CLIMCIWJn>A MIIIMJHOI'I.wc:HaMO«H ltt!JO'JUII'Aa,.QtllffQtltOttJIINtfl~ D'IIIID-.mfHutrtr.OIWIIMM:II WOUI/'HII((.$11'f'C!R1SifltNIIIIII(JA ......... al'NWIKr HIMHr Ill AO:XIrillaMCI """' StCTKJIIIIJOINtOifllliSRti'Tift--..: c:t«TOI'fJ/IIWr~~~~ IWitmlliNI%01' DC ~$PS71KJt/I'/OM'I or ~Ctr'JUDI)""" »U181Gr .fiMLL ~SbVt~Mf*~WfMirl'IIIIIG' llt'IPt1ltJT1 MID ISotnSICI' n. .:IMP 01 lPfiS a.nnco-. ADDITIONAL ALLOWABLE UPLIFT: 90 LBS/CLIP (DESIGN TADU! ~TI!S PWt ....... 0» AS ADOITIONAI.IINFT IN ~NATION wmt 1/NfT CMJSE0 DY CM111UIIHIIIG PIIOM LAWW.. fDIIaS. S!1! ASCI! 7-11 Slr::TION 29.51'01!. M01U! ~TIOH.) I &o.!l~!.~~f'EAUNJTJS&t.SIDOH I THI! NUMeEit OF OJPS tmU2ED lC toi.JIICUI-EXAHPI.e: o1ll CUPS X to U!/CU' •360l8 ~IINI'rDDWVOSIWLlll!~ Oft A Sll'f~ IIASI$ll'luaNSl!D-OR IIMISTDIZO AIIOfTTKT; /fOT tNalX>«> IN THIS CS!TmrA'Il!l!V) ~ u z X? :J. a ~ <(i:i: ~ I z:S~::: ~ 0"'£:;: I= .. ~=;~..-~:: ;l 0 c:cEi~~ ~ z~r~~i a ffi:;:h =I ~ 1-;;:,.: i) 01 z"'"' "' ~ ~ ~ 0. :c ::E: co 11llll~l .: :! •I ~ Iii ~~ .... "fti •fD I.' lii.IJI.!Ii! OCNIICift'~LM__,IIL 11-BMP-0001 KAU1 N.T.!. 101 ~nr_qg , ~ I ' ' I I ~---~~---~ ------·----; ~ j ~: ~ oDeNimS VALUI!S NOT AmOIII!O 1'011 USE S. rMI!OM!NT NCO~ DISTAHC! !XCWDC!S lliNISHI!S, JP AP'PI.ICAIL!. 2. !NSUU MJHrMUf4 mGI! DISTAH "4 ~ I I I ~ 6· I i' 1i ~ I ~I g •fOil. Ntf OJP LOHG!R THAN 10" IITTI.I%e C5l·•12 ~GMDI! s. SJtaT MeTAL sc:a!WS (PmMO!! 2-MIN, SJtaT MeTALSCIIfWS AT '1111! TOP at' Tlfl! Cl.ll'l 'IYP. 'I ~ 11.375" ""'-.. .lit ·~·v "-<""-{1\ 1" CUP ISOMETRIC DETAIL 'CVN.T,S. ~ § (OT!tet DIMeNSIONS SIHILM) ISOHETRIC· (D ~;s.cup ISOMETRIC D~AIL ·~·,I!TJUC M!CHAN!CAL UNIT BY OTHI!IIS. AlUMlMJM HOUSING UNITS SHW. Be ~OG3-T5 MIN. ALUMII'IUI'I SHerr WITH ftyoolO ICSI, O,US" MIN. THICICNI5S, = ltOUSINC UNITS SIW.I. ee 331CSI MIN. STeeL, GMDI! 33, 22GA MIN. (t-0.0~"). (3)-fl2 SAe GRADe 5 SHWH!rAL SCit!WS TH~OUGH OJ,. TO MeotANICAL IIOUSJNG UH1T BY OTH!JIS. PROYIOI! ($) l'INCHfS MIN. PAST Tl!lt90 I'IANe I'OR 1!ACH SHS, 'IYP. 1" TIE-DOWN CUP 6"\ANCHOR DETAIL \D 3"•1'-11" ~AIL MECIIANICAL UNIT BY OTH!JI5. ALUMINUM HOUSING UNITS SHALL Ill! ~OU•T& MIN. AlUMINUM SHeeT WTTH Fty•30 KSJ, 0.125" MIN. THICKNeSS, STeel HO\IS!HG UNITS SIW.L Ill! 33KSI MIN. STeeL, GRAD!! 33, 22GA MIN. (t-0.0299"). QJP IS OI!SIGNI!O I'OR I'UI.L CONTACT WITH THI! BASe 0~ rAot MeotANICAI. UHIT, 'IYP. (3)-f12 ~ GIVoOt! 5 SHei!TMI!TAL SCReWS TmOUGII CUP TO ·~CAL HOUSING UNIT BY OTHe~ PROVIDe (5) I'INotlS MIN, PAST nw!AO PlANE I'OR I!ACH SMS, TYP. 2" TIE-DOWN CUP (4\ANCHOR DETAIL \..VJ" • 1'-11" DeTAIL OJP IS Df51GNI!O ,OR ML CONTACT WITH '1111! BASe at' rAot MeCHNIICAL UNIT, 'IYP. cj 2: l(' '": a ;t -1 -lli <(~j!;~ .. 2: ~... 1!-0 ~~ ~ : ~ m~~ m o <di~ ~ ~ zug~ ~ ffi~h"' a ~$tj I ~ a. >: ::E: co I. Jff ·t~ I·~ df Ill 'I' i r!l CWIJDff,..,.I..IIIIWIOG'A. 11-BMP-0001 SCAUI N.T.S. I 01 ~~<!!"! "4 ~ .I I