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1993 Resoultions Index
1993-01 County Point Median Maintenance Agreement
1993-02 Considering Amendment to Zoning & Land Dev Code to Provide for a RS-2.5 RE: Pending Applications
1993-03 Fifth Year Agreement with Broward Cty-Recycling Grant Program
1993-04 Support of Close Up Program at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS-Washington DC Trip
1993-05 Temporary Sales Trailer on Lot 55 Parkwood IX Site Plan
1993-06 Judith Kilgor Commendation
1993-07 10th Amendment to Interlocal Agreement for Option Gas Tax
1993-08 Opposing Regulation of Water & Wastewater by Public Service Commission
1993-09 Cancellation of Commission Meeting April 21, 1993
1993-10 Plat Approval of Meadow Run West Subdivision
1993-11 Abandonment of Utility Easement in the Meadow Fun Subdivision
1993-12 Accepting Utility Easement to Replace Abandonment by R1993-11 Meadow Run
1993-13 Appreciation Joan McIver, Miami Herald Upon her Retirement
1993-14 Agreement with FL National Properties for Sidewalk Construction-University Dr ROW Adjacent to Meadow Run Dev
1993-15 Contract with Fraternal Order of Police
1993-16 Ranches Drainage Assessment
1993-17 Authority to City Planner to Address County
1993-18 Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Resource Officer
1993-19 Broward Cty Tree Ordinance
1993-20 Traffic Engineering Agreement with Broward Cty VOID
1993-21 Agreement Tall Pines & Tall Pines North Paving & Drainage
1993-22 Authorizing Excess City Funds to State Board of Administration
1993-23 Plat Approval Parkland Heights (Church)
1993-24 Supporting BrowardCty Planning to Adjust School Impact Fees
1993-25 Replat Parcel of Terramar Two Plat Mayfair at Parkland
1993-26 Site Plan Approval Parcel C Terramar Mayfair at Parkland
1993-27 Authorizing Interlocal Agreement (MPO) with State of Florida Dept of Transportation
1993-28 Meadow Run West Paving & Drainage Agreement, Florida National Properties
1993-29 Removal of Riverside Dr No of Holmberg Rd from Broward Cty Trafficways Plan
1993-30 Division & Distribution of the Proceeds from Broward Cty Additional Local Option Gas Tax on Motor Fuel Ord
1993-31 Landscaping and Buffering Entranceway Tall Pines North
1993-32 Utility Easement, 8/C Tall Pines
1993-33 Mutual Aid Inspections with City of Deerfield Beach
1993-34 Opposing FNP Amendment to County Land Use Plan for Unincorporated Areas
1993-35 Withdrawing Participation in Broward Risk Management Association
1993-36 Support of Groward Co Local Option Gas Tax Revenue of 3 Cents
1993-37 Home Acres Plat, Walter Nagel
1993-38 Fox Ridge Plat Approval
1993-39 Abandonment for Fox Ridge
1993-40 Communications Contract with City of Coral Springs
1993-41 Plat Approval Canizio Estates
1993-42 Site Plan Approval Meadow Run West Common Areas
1993-43 Plat Approval Terramar Car Wash
1993-44 Opposing Flyover, West Oakland Park Blvd & SR 7
1993-45 North Springs Improvement District Opposing Changes to District Boundaries
1993-46 Robert Kegan Building Official of the Year
1993-47 Urging Broward Cty to Support Local Home Rules in Reference to Annexation
1993-48 Authorizing Transfer of Funds within the 1992-93 budget
1993-49 Site Plan Approval Parkland Terraces
1993-50 Replat Portion of Parcel D Parkland Terraces
1993-52 Agreement with Broward Cty for Disposal of Hazardous Waste